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Agenda item

Update on the Implementation of the Community Toilet Scheme.


The Chairman invited the Assistant Director of Environmental Services, Mr Goulette to respond to the Committee’s comments regarding his written community toilet scheme update.  The Committee considered the update and discussed the following:


·  Businesses signed yearly agreements and their provision was monitored on a random basis to determine whether improvements to the service were required.  A number of Members had visited all the participating facilities in the town centre and highlighted some issues with cleanliness and access.  The Committee agreed that their survey results be considered by officers to inform monitoring and that improvements to the existing monitoring system were required to ensure a better quality provision;

·  Mr Goulette confirmed that the signing was being reviewed and improvements were to be made.  The Committee supported this and agreed that this must be addressed to ensure the community toilet scheme was successful.  Members were particularly concerned with regard to the ambiguity of directional signs and the lack of shop window stickers, and the size of these when displayed;

·  The Council was considering new community toilet scheme members in consultation with Town Centre Management.  Furthermore, Mr Goulette advised that conversations with Parish Councils were ongoing and they were considering the management of the existing public conveniences.  The Committee agreed that the Council should actively seek new community toilet scheme members and suggested Mothercare be approached to make its baby changing facilities available as part of the scheme;

·  The Committee requested information on the number and types of complaints received regarding the community toilet scheme;

·  Mr Goulette clarified that each participant in the scheme had been advised to discuss the issue of liability with their individual insurers; and

·  A Member raised concern that the Palace Avenue public conveniences were still featured on a tourism map on the Council’s website and the Committee agreed that the map be updated.


Councillor F Wilson informed the Committee that she had recently visited the Gateway to request a map of the locations of the community toilet scheme but that they had been unaware of the existence of the map.  She also highlighted concerns regarding the poor customer service she had received when she asked for a map.  It was also noted that the information at the town hall had been readily available and the staff had been very helpful.  The Committee agreed that the service received by Councillor Wilson be investigated.  Members also agreed that hard copies of the community toilet scheme maps be provided at tourist points including the Gateway.


The Committee thanked Mr Goulette for his hard work in getting the scheme up and running and for responding to the Committee’s queries. A further update in four months time was requested.


The web cast from this session is available at:


Resolved  That:

a)  The information regarding public conveniences be updated on the Council’s website;

b)  The customer service issues highlighted by Councillor F Wilson be investigated by the Assistant Director of Environmental Services;

c)  Hard copies of information and maps depicting community toilet scheme members be made available at tourist points, including the Gateway;

d)  The signage to community scheme toilets be improved in the town centre, including car park maps;

e)  The number and types of complaints regarding the community toilet scheme be circulated to the Committee to inform its future monitoring of the scheme;

f)  The Councillor’s survey results be considered by officers to inform their monitoring of the community toilet scheme and that the existing monitoring system be improved;

g)  Mothercare be approached to provide its existing baby changing facilities as part of the community toilet scheme;

h)  Opportunities for new community toilet scheme members be actively pursued; and

i)  The Committee receive a community toilet scheme update in June 2010.

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