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Agenda item

Maidstone Town Centre: Policy Directions for the Core Strategy


The Group considered the report of the Assistant Director of Development and Community Strategy regarding Maidstone Town Centre: Policy Directions of the Core Strategy.


Officers were congratulated on the quality of the report.  Members discussed the town centre boundary and areas, such as Upper Stone Street, Albion Place and the Tonbridge Road/Terrace Road/Rocky Hill triangle, were suggested as areas to be included within the Town Centre boundary.  Members were each asked to mark on their maps the specific areas they would wish included and submit these to Officers at the end of the meeting.  Officers would consider the views and include any possible recommended changes to the boundary in the report to the Cabinet Member for Regeneration.


Members were informed that the reference to Policy SP2 and high quality transport interchange facilities meant Officers were looking at connection, connectivity and improved functions for Maidstone East and Maidstone Barracks stations.  The Kent Rail Utilisation Strategy published by Network Rail includes two possible options – 1) the Thameslink service being extended through Maidstone East from 2015 and 2) to run an enhanced service on the Medway Valley line to include Maidstone Barracks or, possibly, Maidstone West.


Members requested that “tourism” was included in the draft Vision and that the diversity of the retail offer should be ‘enhanced’ rather than ‘grown’.  A new “Village Quarter” was proposed in the area of Albion Place, Union Street and the A20 and Officers will include this proposal in the report to the Cabinet Member for Regeneration.


With regard to the Environmental Quality in the Town Centre, it was proposed that the words “flood storage” be included in Policy Direction 2 and the words “achieve adaptations to climate change and” and “living roofs and walls” be included in Policy Direction 3.


A member felt there was a need for a co-ordinated and integrated policy for cycle lanes in the Borough. Another member indicated it is important to create a safer environment for pedestrians in the town centre and that this should be included in Policy Direction 4.


RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND TO THE CABINET MEMBER FOR REGENERATION:  That the basis of the Core Strategy policy for the Town Centre as set out below be approved, subject to the amendments shown in bold:- 


a.  The town centre boundary as show on the plan at Appendix 1 of the report of the Assistant Director of Development and Community Strategy – consideration to be given to the boundary being extended in the areas of Upper Stone Street, Albion Place and the Tonbridge Road/Terrace Road/Rocky Hill triangle.





b.  The Vision for Maidstone Town Centre, as amended, being:-


“By 2026, a regenerated and sustainable Maidstone Town Centre will be a first class traditional town centre at the heart of the 21st century County Town which has maintained its place as one of the premier town centres in the region by creating a distinctive, safe and high quality place which has:


-  retained its best environmental features, including the riverside, and the enhanced public realm


-  provided a variety of well integrated attractions for all ages, including new shopping, service sector-based businesses, leisure, tourism, education and cultural facilities; and


-  improved access for all.


Key components in realising this Vision are


-  Creating a highly sustainable location which is resilient to future climate change;


-  Establishing the town centre as an attractive hub for businesses – building on the town centre’s assets and environment as an alternative to isolated business parks;


-  Enhance the diversity of the retail offer, supporting a continued balance between independent and multiple retailers ; and


Creating a stronger mix and balance of uses within the centre to support long term viability.”


c.  The town centre quarters shown on the plan at Appendix 2 of the report of the Assistant Director of Development and Community Strategy – consideration to be given to include a “Village Quarter” in the area of Albion Place, Union Street and the A20


d.  The policy directions as set out below:-


  Policy Directions for Environmental quality


Policy direction 1: In accommodating new development, ensure the conservation and enhancement of the town centre’s historic fabric and public realm.


Policy direction 2: future development on land adjoining the River Medway and River Len should make a positive contribution to their setting, accessibility, biodiversity, flood storage and amenity value.


Policy direction 3: change in the town centre should maximise the opportunities to achieve adaptations to climate change and enhance existing green spaces, and access to them, and to further ‘green’ the town centre and its streets including by the creation of new spaces, living roofs and walls, to form a network.


Policy Direction for Transport


Policy direction 4: In accommodating new development, increase accessibility to the town centre by sustainable modes of transport.





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