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Agenda item

Cabinet Member for Regeneration - Update on Progress 2009 - 10:

Interview with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Councillor Malcolm Greer.


The Chairman welcomed the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Councillor Greer, to the meeting to discuss progress on Regeneration of the Borough. Councillor Greer gave Members an update on his portfolio and Members questioned him as follows:


High Street


  • Design of the next phase of the High Street regeneration project should be completed by the end of September 2010.  Work would start by the end of 2010 and last 45 weeks. It would include measures to assist those with disabilities, such as low kerbs and reduced street furniture.  KCC had agreed to contribute £600,000 towards the project;
  • An independent report on the project would be available soon to show the real benefits to the town, including additional jobs and economic benefits;
  • Officers and Town Centre Management planned to liaise with local businesses to minimise disruption to trade during the work programme;


Partnership with HeatSeekers


  • Half of the houses in Maidstone Borough had been surveyed by thermal imaging cameras; the rest would be surveyed in the colder months of 2010/11;
  • The analysis of the surveyed properties was being made available in May 2010. HeatSeekers [an insulation contractor] was asked to advise the owner of the building where insulation could be improved and of any grants available. Work could commence during the summer;
  • The average annual saving on a three-bedroom house was expected to be £260 with a reduction of 1400 Kg in carbon dioxide emissions;


Developer Committees


  • The developers committee formed to oversee the building of the running track at Sutton Valence had been a success. The committee included Members from Maidstone Borough Council, Parish Councillors and some residents.  The Contractor for the running track had provided a weekly programme of work and a 24 hour telephone number to enable residents to raise concerns about the work should there be a problem.  The implementation of this had avoided problems during construction and had consequently avoided possible costly enforcement action;
  • Councillor Greer said he would like a legal basis for all local developments to be overseen in this way, and was in discussion with officers to investigate this; 


Planning Policy, Development and Building Control


  • A total of 695 affordable houses had been built in the last two years;
  • In response to a question Councillor Greer confirmed a developer had avoided a planning obligation in to provide affordable housing as the Council had been unable to maintain the obligation due to the drop in property prices impacting on the profitability of the plan.  He explained that the use of a legal charter was under consideration with officers for larger developments and he hoped that in time this could be applied to all developments to make the obligations legally binding.  The Committee agreed to receive confirmation of the number of Section 106 Agreements that had been removed as a result of re-application;
  • The housing needs survey had identified that by 2026 the Borough would need more than twice the number of new homes previously identified. Members were concerned that this would be difficult to achieve, particularly as landowners were not selling their land in the current financial climate;
  • During the current down turn in the economy, the number of planning applications received had reduced and consequently the number of planning officers had also been reduced and re-employed in other areas, such as Enforcement;
  • The number outstanding of enforcements was under 200, compared to 500 in 2008;
  • Work on the Enforcement policy had been completed and put in place;


Gypsies and Travellers


  • Councillor Greer stated that officers were working on a Development Plan Document to address Gypsy issues;
  • There was a need for sites to be more widely available across the Borough. Councillor Greer had asked Officers to look for suitable areas;
  • Several landowners had successfully appealed against providing privately owned areas;
  • Until the Council established a policy on the provision of gypsy sites, specifically a new public site, appeals by private owners were likely to succeed;


Park Wood


  • In response to a question, Councillor Greer agreed there was a need for regeneration of the Park Wood area.  Officers were in discussion with two large investment companies regarding the possibility of a public private partnership arrangement to maximise the potential value of this area in the future. Ideas included relocating some businesses to a dedicated car sales area and opening up the area to retailers.  The Committee requested an update in 2010-11 on the progress of regenerating the Park Wood site;


Local Development Document Advisory Group


  • A Member questioned the need for the Local Development Document Advisory Group.  It was felt that advisory groups had no power and recommendations had been rejected by Officers. The Committee considered that it may be more appropriate for the Overview & Scrutiny Committee to carry out the role of advisory group and agreed that the role of advisory committees should be reviewed and the merit of Overview and Scrutiny undertaking this role be considered;



·  Members questioned what steps were being taken to regenerate the rural economy. Councillor Greer suggested this was an area the Committee might consider for its future work programme;

·  Members queried what work was being undertaken to fill empty shop windows and Councillor Greer agreed to discuss this issue with the Economic Development Manager;


The Chairman thanked Councillor Greer for his work on his portfolio and his interaction with the Committee over the last two years.


Resolved:  That the Cabinet Member for Regeneration:


a)  Addresses the issues of empty shop windows in the town centre with officers;

b)  Reviews the role of advisory committees such as the Local Development Document Advisory Group and considers the merit of the role being undertaken by Overview and Scrutiny Committees;

c)  Update the Committee on the number of Section 106 Agreements that had been removed as a result of re-application; and

d)  Update the Committee in 2010-11 on the progress of regenerating the Park Wood site.


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