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Agenda item

Gateway Review: Customer Services

Interview with the Head of Revenues, Benefits and Customer Services, Steve McGinnes, and the Customer Services Manager, Sandra Marchant.


The Chairman welcomed the Head of Revenues, Benefits and Customer Services, Steve McGinnes and the Customer Services Manager, Sandra Marchant to the meeting to discuss Maidstone’s Gateway.  Mrs Marchant gave a powerpoint presentation, attached at Appendix A, regarding the services, use and structure of the Gateway.  This highlighted the following:


  • There was an average 15 minute wait time to see a customer service advisor and an average 20 minute transaction time;
  • The number of Housing enquiries was increasing and had overtaken benefit enquiries in August 2010;
  • Licensing advice was not currently provided by the Customer Service Advisors;
  • The Gateway had reduced its Thursday late openings from 8pm to 7pm due to low demand;
  • No partner organisations provided a Saturday service in the Gateway;
  • Other Gateway’s Saturday opening hours varied depending on their shopping environments;
  • The Kent Benefit Partnership provision had only recently commenced and it was hoped it would increase its operating hours in the Gateway; and
  • The Volunteers in the Gateway were distinguishable from the public as they wore white polo shirts bearing the Gateway logo.


The Committee considered the range of services provided in the Gateway and felt that some period specific services were missing.  Members felt this included offering face to face advice on adult and children education during periods of high demand.  They also felt advice from Registered Social Landlords should be provided, particularly Golding Homes.  The Committee agreed to consider this as part of its review, in addition to considering the requirement for the existing service provisions.  Mrs Marchant informed the Committee that Golding Homes had been involved in the initial discussions to have a presence in the Gateway but had decided against doing so.  She also informed the Committee that they had initially provided a booklet of their useful telephone numbers but had not provided an updated version to reflect its name change from Maidstone Housing Trust to Golding Homes.


In response to a question, Mrs Marchant informed the Committee that her biggest concern regarding the Gateway was the increasing wait times.  She highlighted that as the offer expanded to provide a holistic service, transaction times with each customer increased, subsequently having a knock on effect on wait times.  The Committee agreed to consider the resourcing of the Gateway to ensure wait times were appropriate as part of the review.


Members were advised that issues raised by staff regarding the Gateway working environment were addressed as and when they arose.  Mrs Marchant noted that the Housing Duty Staff had recently requested a larger working space and this was being considered.


The Committee requested the following information to inform its review:

  • A breakdown of customer numbers between 8.30-9.00 am and 9.00-10.00 am;
  • Opening times of other Gateways; and
  • Details of the financial arrangements with partners using the Gateway.


The Chairman thanked the witnesses for an informative presentation and the Committee agreed to note the information provided to inform its review.


Resolved:  That


a)  The information provided be used to inform its review of the Gateway; and

b)  Information on the following be considered as part of its review:

  i.  Opportunities to provide educational advice in the Gateway;

  ii.  Customer numbers between 8.30-9.00 am and 9.00-10.00 am;

  iii.  Financial arrangements; and

  iv.  Opening times of other Gateways.


The meeting was adjourned from 8.38pm to 8.45pm.


Supporting documents: