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Agenda item

Green ICT Policy Discussion Paper:

Interview with Dave Lindsay, Head of IT Services and Jennifer Hunt, EMS Project Manager.


The Chairman welcomed Dave Lindsay, ICT Manager and Jennifer Hunt, EMS Manager to the meeting. Mr Lindsay gave a brief overview of the Councils current position (Appendix A) and stated that the approach was currently to embed processes further through existing strategies.


The Committee queried some of the technical detail in the report. Mr Lindsay explained that the thin client technology mentioned in the report reduced the amount of data travelling in-between systems and PCs which should increase effectiveness of computers whilst keeping data secure.


Members asked Mr Lindsay if carbon emissions for the Council had already peaked. Mr Lindsay explained that an extensive upgrade programme switching staff over from desktop PCs to laptops had taken place as part of the office move. In response to further questions on increasing numbers of PCs and Laptops being used by the Council, the Committee was informed that it was unlikely that there would be an increase in the number of units currently used however, new technology was constantly emerging and it was expected that any increases would be offset through other initiatives.


The Committee considered that a corporate steer was required in order to ensure full compliance and asked how this was being addressed. Miss Hunt responded that the Carbon Reduction Board was currently looking in to the cultural issues and was considering a number of initiatives such as Green Champions and a green issues newsletter in order to change the culture. It was also noted that the Cabinet Member for the Environment was on the Carbon Reduction Board. The Committee requested assurance that Manager’s and Members would being engaged.


It was noted by the Committee that the current Climate Change Action Plan was due to end in 2010/11 and that work was ongoing to ensure that green issues and climate change were considered in all reports and action plans.


The Committee was keen to know how they could help and was concerned that the technology the Council already owns should be working to increase productivity, they stressed that officers and Members need tools appropriate to their role. Mr Lindsay confirmed that technology and new ways of working were embedded in some areas better than others and although home working was well established and working well that there was scope for improvement for mobile working.  The Committee concluded that the emerging Green ICT Strategy should include a consideration of wider working practices with a review of how technological tools are being used including a cost benefit analysis.


The Committee considered funding for Green Technology, it was assessed that there was potential to use invest to save funds. But that there would still need to be capital budgets available to support new technology where invest to save was not appropriate. The Committee felt it was important that this be highlighted to Cabinet. 


Mr Lindsay was asked what the timescales for the ICT Green Strategy were; he explained that the ICT Green Strategy was part of the overarching Information Strategy which he was aiming to send to Management Team in January and the Cabinet in April. He assured Members that that there would be extensive consultation to inform the final document.


Resolved: That:

a)   Managers and Members be fully  engaged in developing the ICT Strategy to ensure that green initiatives are delivered and embedded at the Council;


b)  Cabinet  ensure that funds are available within the capital budget to support and invest in new technologies;


c)  Senior management commit to the ICT Strategy to ensure that the policy is embedded throughout the Council;


d)  the ICT Strategy takes into account and considers wider working practices including a review of existing technology and tools currently used to ensure they are fit for purpose; and


e)  The ICT strategy includes a cost benefit analysis.




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