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Agenda item

Maidstone Market Update

Interview with Bob Holmes, Market Manager


The Chairman welcomed Bob Holmes, Market Manager to the meeting, and invited him to present the update to the Committee.


Mr Holmes summarised that following the meeting on 1 February 2008, the recommendations had been investigated and gave a report to the Committee on these. Mr Holmes informed the Committee that the Market continued to be held on Tuesdays and Saturdays to avoid clashing with other areas. This was aided by a charter that indicates Market days within a six mile radius. Mr Holmes had spoken to traders regarding extending the opening times however, this had not been feasible as the traders were not local and there was not enough interest to suggest this would create more use of the Market.


Mr Holmes stated that the Market held a ‘buy one get one free’ scheme for rent, whereby a trader would pay the first week and get the second free up to a period of six weeks.  However, after this six week period they were struggling to keep the traders.  Another scheme that had been implemented was to introduce a new trader that paid for eight weeks

and got one week rent free. On average there were 48 traders, and prior to snow this year they had 55 traders.


In answer to a question Mr Holmes stated that the shuttle bus service to the market had improved, with an average of 286 people utilising this service on Tuesdays.


Mr Holmes stated that due to lack of funding, advertising the market had proven to be difficult. The cost and planning implications of putting a sign on the Millennium Bridge had been to expensive, however finger signs had been put in place going from the town centre towards the site via the river and a banner along the river from Tovil to the site had been on display.


In answer to a question, Mr Holmes stated that only one Council vehicle had the market advertisement and stickers were on the front of parking machines throughout the town.


The Committee enquired if there was anything else that could be done to promote the market and suggested as every resident had a wheelie bin, that a sticker be placed on this. Mr Holmes informed the Committee that this could be looked into. Members considered the use of the internet and social networking sites to advertise the market. The Committee discussed the success of markets in market towns, it was also highlighted that the indoor facilities were a contributor to the market towns success. In answer to a question, Mr Holmes informed the Committee that the traders had not shown any interest in relocating closer to town.


In answer to a question Mr Holmes informed the Committee that seasonal events were very popular for example Christmas activities and fun fair rides at the market provided by the market traders.


Mr Holmes stated that an addition of a flea market would conflict with the collectables and boot fair income from the hall. Also the Bizarre Bazaar which had ceased in the summer had not been relocated to the Market as there had been a reduced interest.

Mr Holmes informed the Committee that although he did not have the exact data to hand relating to the demographics of the Market, that it did attract lower income families with public age averaging over 65 years.

In answer to a question Mr Holmes was not able to relay the turn-over for each trader.

The Committee enquired whether any interest had been received to integrate a farmers market with the Maidstone Market.  Mr Holmes stated that they had approached 100 local farmer suppliers and only 5 had responded. Mr Holmes suggested that this was because previously Maidstone Market did not have a good reputation. This had improved slowly, but had taken time. Mr Holmes stated that the County Town farmers' market had now unfortunately folded in Maidstone, but there were several successful farmers markets in villages around the Borough which appeared to be successful.


In answer to a question Mr Holmes informed the Committee that the relationship between the Market and Town Centre Management had improved vastly, with regular meetings and an agreement that all future marketing literature feature the Market.



Resolved:  That Mr Holmes be thanked for the information and it be     recommended that: 


a)  The Cabinet Member for Leisure & Culture write a press release to thank the traders for their loyalty and hard work;

b)  The Cabinet Member continue to investigate the possibility of a sign at Millennium Bridge liaising with Councillor Lusty and the findings be reported back to Members;

c)  The feasibility of various advertisement methods be looked into, including utilising Parish Notice Boards, Wheelie Bins, free papers, bus stops, and Council vehicles; and

d)  Social networking sites andinternet opportunities be investigated for free advertisement.


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