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Agenda item

Budget Strategy 2012/13 Onwards


1.   That the strategic revenue projection that gives the most likely outcome for planning purposes be agreed.


2.   That the level of council tax for planning purposes be agreed as 2.5% per annum over the period of the strategy.


3.   That the extent of the capital programme and the current likely financing arrangements be noted.


4.   That the outline proposals for consultation and delegation of the development of the final format and questions to the Head of Communications in consultation with the Leader of the Council be agreed.






1.   That the strategic revenue projection that gives the most likely outcome for planning purposes be agreed.


2.   That the level of council tax for planning purposes be agreed as 2.5% per annum over the period of the strategy.


3.   That the extent of the capital programme and the current likely financing arrangements be noted.


4.   That the outline proposals for consultation and delegation of the development of the final format and questions to the Head of Communications in consultation with the Leader of the Council be agreed.


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