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Agenda item

Budget Strategy 2012/13 Onwards


1.  That the revised strategic revenue projection at Appendix B to the report of the Corporate Leadership Team, which incorporates the review of strategic projection, be agreed.


2.  That the proposed savings for 2012/13 Onwards, as detailed at Appendix C to the report of the Corporate Leadership Team be agreed, subject to an additional saving of £10,000 from adjustments to the support service budget within the Corporate Services portfolio.


3.  That the proposed use of the New Homes Bonus as outlined below be agreed. 


4.  That no capital programme be set for 2015/16 at this time, awaiting a report from officers on prioritisation of options once the infrastructure delivery plan is sufficiently detailed for evaluation.


5.  That the issues relating to revenue resources, including the council tax levels, the tax base and the provisional revenue support grant be noted.


6.  That the results of the budget consultation and the issues identified for future years of the medium term financial strategy and the strategic plan be noted.


7.  That the utilisation of a one-off £100,000 from general balances to support the concurrent functions grant process during 2012/13 to allow for consultation to be completed and the delivery of the new parish services scheme be agreed.





1.  That the revised strategic revenue projection at Appendix B to the report of the Corporate Leadership Team, which incorporates the review of strategic projection, be agreed.


2.  That the proposed savings for 2012/13 Onwards, as detailed at Appendix C to the report of the Corporate Leadership Team be agreed, subject to an additional saving of £10,000 from adjustments to the support service budget within the Corporate Services portfolio.


3.  That the proposed use of the New Homes Bonus as outlined below be agreed. 


4.  That no capital programme be set for 2015/16 at this time, awaiting a report from officers on prioritisation of options once the infrastructure delivery plan is sufficiently detailed for evaluation.


5.  That the issues relating to revenue resources, including the council tax levels, the tax base and the provisional revenue support grant be noted.


6.  That the results of the budget consultation and the issues identified for future years of the medium term financial strategy and the strategic plan be noted.


7.  That the utilisation of a one-off £100,000 from general balances to support the concurrent functions grant process during 2012/13 to allow for consultation to be completed and the delivery of the new parish services scheme be agreed.


To view full details of this decision, please click here:-,%20Budget%20Strategy%20201213%20Onwards.pdf?T=5




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