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Agenda item

Interview with Leader of the Council - Progress Over the Year - Local Development Framework

Interview with Councillor Christopher Garland, Leader of the Council.


The Chairman welcomed Councillor Chris Garland, Leader of the Council to the meeting.


Councillor Garland informed the Committee that with regard to the progress made with the Local Development Framework (LDF), Maidstone had decided to continue working on the LDF without waiting for the Localism Bill to be implemented.  Although other local authorities had chosen to wait, it was in Maidstone Councils’ view that this would not benefit the borough.


The Committee heard that the South East Plan was being abolished, which allowed each local authority to devise their own system for determining housing figures in the borough. The South East Plan had specified government imposed housing figures. Councillor Garland informed the Committee that the Localism Bill was introducing Neighbourhood Development Plans (NDPs). This gave more credence to plans produced by parish council and residential areas allowing parishes to determine distribution of housing in their own areas as long as it accorded with local planning policies. The Committee stated that a level of expectation was being set by Parishes whereby in creating a plan, they could control the destiny of the area completely, rather than accord with the LDF. They urged the Leader to engage with the Parishes now, rather than let this false interpretation of the NDPs continue. Councillor Garland agreed, and reiterated that Parishes can only give preference, and could not go against the LDF.


Councillor Garland informed the Committee about the Development Plan Document (DPD) which supports the core strategy and includes the gypsy and traveller policy was currently in development and nearly complete once finalised it will run until 2016.  This would not stop marginal applications occurring, however the policy must be in place to aid planning appeals. It was hoped that the DPD would be completed before the core strategy, and Councillor Garland urged those that wished to encourage this should write to Mrs Flo Churchill, Interim Head of Core Strategy Development.


The Committee received an update on the urban extension in particular in the south east of town centre area. It had suffered transport issues, which if not resolved would make continuing the extension the wrong thing to do as supported in cross party views to not pursue the extension. The Committee highlighted that the South East Strategic Route was, regardless of its size, a key point as part of the urban infrastructure and should be addressed rather than by-passed. They also stated that the employment infrastructure needs to be suitably addressed as part of the planning process. Councillor Garland noted the Committees views, and agreed they are valid areas that need to be looked into. He informed the Committee of a new Land Allocation Doctrine, which when completed would highlight areas that was in use, as opposed to the Strategic Housing Land Allocation Assessment which highlighted land that was available to use.


With regard to housing the 10,080 figure was chosen due to economic aspiration, transport issues and the 2006 growth point target which all parties agreed. This meant between now and 2026 when the core strategy ends some 5000 houses remained to be built to meet these aspirations. Having set this target, the distribution pattern was then developed, involving urban and rural areas, service centres, and further housing in Harrietsham, Lenham and Allington which all political groups had agreed.


Consultation with the public, developers and any other party interested on the Core Strategy would commence after the elections, for a period of 6weeks. Previously consultations had involved stands throughout Maidstone , DVDs and café conversations to involve as many individuals as possible. Funding had already been allocated for a similar approach to this consultation. Given the changes in policy and that Maidstone had to produce its own system to support its plans, the LDF would now move rapidly forward, with an estimated timeframe for the Secretary of State to approve the LDF in the next 12-18months, before going to Full Council for approval.

The Chairman asked if any work had progressed for the blue and green infrastructure with a ‘green map exercise’ of the borough indicating routes that should be preserved for wildlife to pass through. Councillor Garland stated it was an interesting idea and would need to investigate if this had been undertaken.


Resolved:  That the Leader of the Council be thanked for the information and it be recommended that: 


a)The Leader engages with the Parishes to relay the status of the Neighbourhood Development Plans;

b)Any member of the Committee wishing to have the DPD agreed before the Core Strategy should put that in writing to Mrs Flo Churchill; and

c)  The Leader investigate any work that indicates a ‘green route’ for wildlife as part of the core strategy.


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