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Agenda item

Interview with Cabinet Member for Regeneration - Progress Over the Year

Interview with Councillor Malcom Greer.


In the absence of Councillor Greer, Councillor Garland agreed to present the information for the progress over the year on Councillor Greers’ behalf.


Councillor Garland stated that Councillor Greer had been involved with a number of projects over the past year throughout the borough and town.


Councillor Greer had been instrumental in ensuring that Development Control increased efficiency by having an agreed time slot when Members could meet with case officers rather than on a frequent ad hoc basis. Pre Application meetings were now making a profit and backlogged enforcement cases had been reduced from 500 to 50.


The Committee heard that the finance was in place for the next agreed stage of the high street improvement project with no need to borrow. The current cost of the project stood at an estimated £2.2million, with KCC contributing £600,000. It was predicted that it will generate £4million a year to the economy and contracts to implement the work would take place shortly. The GVA Grimley Assessment contains the figures as stated, which Councillor Garland will forward to the Members via the Overview and Scrutiny Officer. In answer to a question Councillor Garland stated that he did not know if new traders had already sought information for trading in the High Street following its refurbishment, but recommended that Mr John Foster, Economic Development Manager may be able to answer if Councillor Greer was not able to provide this information in his written report.


Councillor Garland was not aware of the update regarding twinning with Ghent in Belgium, and suggested this be done via a written response from Councillor Greer.


With regard to other projects within the portfolio the review of clutter such as street furniture across the borough had seen some 500 items removed. In terms of other improvements Councillor Greer had recruited the help of Maidstone Community Care Housing to clear Palace Avenue car park. The Campaign for Rural England had visited recently and was very impressed with the improvements that had been made to the town.


Councillor Garland informed the Committee that with new quality jobs being created, Maidstone was being recognized as one of the top places in Kent to invest in. 


Councillor Garland stated that ongoing work included the river enhancement, making the tourist attractions a top focus point. By encouraging the University of Creative Arts to be involved, it was hoped that this would add value to the borough and enhance cultural offering.  At present there was no news on the feasibility report, however, the Committee stated they would appreciate a written response detailing the latest news on this development. 


The Committee voiced the concerns of the Parish Councils, as it was perceived that they were being ‘brushed aside’. Councillor Garland stated that this was not the intention of the Council, but that the Localism Bill may address these issues. The Committee noted this, and suggested that the planners in Development Control engage with the Parish Councils to lead and guide the Parishes through the changes proposed by the Localism Bill.


Resolved: That Councillor Garland be thanked for the update and that:


a)  Councillor Malcolm Greer be thanked for his collaboration with High Street Ward Members for the improvements within the High Street that had already taken place;

b)  Councillor Garland sends the GVA report to the Overview and Scrutiny Officer to circulate to Members;

c)  The Cabinet Member for Regeneration urge the planning department to engage with Parish Councils to guide the Parishes through the changes proposed by the Localism Bill; and

d)  Councillor Greer provides a written update detailing the points that were not covered in the Committee meeting, those being:

  i.  Update on the twinning with Ghent, Belgium; and

  ii.  Whether traders had already enquired about trading in the High St following the refurbishment.


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