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Agenda item

Transport Congestion Review


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer requested that the Committee review the scope on the agenda for the transport review to ensure it reflected the aims and wishes of the Committee.


The Committee considered the desired outcomes, and established five key points they wished to achieve:


1.  To identify how to unlock the congestion and capacity of traffic in Maidstone town, by using best practice techniques investigating Chelmsford and other local neighbouring towns;

2.  To investigate the consideration given to new developments by the planning authority in relation to traffic volume and road maintenance;

3.  To look at the future as modern technology using electric cars will not solve the traffic congestion;

4.  To establish ways to educate the residents to promote car sharing and public transport; and

5.  To make recommendations as appropriate.


The Committee also considered witnesses that could provide information for the review and expressed that a representative from an electric car manufacturers would be beneficial as well as David Hall, Head of Transport & Development at Kent County Council and County Councillor Malcolm Robertson.


The Chairman informed the Committee that a Parking Strategy was being devised as part of the Core Strategy, and therefore some information may take longer than anticipated.


A Member suggested that the rail network may be useful to investigate as there could be potential to encourage residents to use public transport.


The Committee agreed with the Overview and Scrutiny Officer’s suggestion that the community be engaged with the review via A4 posters in taxi’s and buses and requested that extra copies were made for Parish Councils to display.


The Committee agreed to visit Godstone Traffic Control Centre and Chelmsford Council as a close County Town to investigate methods of best practice. Members  also suggested that the Committee take the 101 bus to Chatham, a local neighbouring town who had recently changed its road network, with the view to experience any difficulties residents may have and by meeting with Medway Council to explore what obstacles they had to overcome which resulted in the changing of the road network.


Resolved:  That


a)  the following outcomes be agreed for the review of transport and congestion:

1.  To identify how to unlock the congestion and capacity of traffic in Maidstone town, by using best practice techniques investigating Chelmsford and other local neighbouring towns;

2.  To investigate the consideration given to new developments by the planning authority in relation to traffic volume and road maintenance;

3.  To look at the future as modern technology using electric cars will not solve the traffic congestion;

4.  To establish ways to educate the residents to promote car sharing and public transport; and

5.  To make recommendations as appropriate.



b)  the Overview and Scrutiny Officer arranges A4 posters for public engagement; and

c)   that the Committee takes part in the following activities as part of the transport review:


a)  Visit to Medway Council via bus on Tuesday 12 July;

b)  A trip to Godstone traffic centre and Chelmsford City Council, returning to Maidstone on 20 July 2011.


Supporting documents: