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Agenda item

Waste Review


The Committee considered the scoping document for the review ‘Making Waste Work for Maidstone.’  The Committee was informed that the The Tendering Strategy – Waste and Recycling Contract 2013 that was due to come to their August meeting would be postponed until September.  Members felt that it was extremely important that they saw this document and agree to move their scheduled September meeting as the Crime and Disorder Overview and Scrutiny Committee back to October.


At the previous meeting Members had asked the Scrutiny Officer to provide background information on a suggested witness, Dr Jane Beasley.  Having read the information provided they felt that Dr Beasley should be added as an expert witness and be invited to attend a meeting.


The Committee discussed the Waste and Recycling facility based in Tovil. Members were aware that this was the responsibility of Kent County Council but felt that there would be some benefit in understanding how recycling rates were recorded and what the actual figures for Maidstone were.  Some Members felt that the changes to household waste and recycling collections had increased the use of the facility and wanted to understand the impact this was having, if any.


The Committee discussed the freighter service and questioned what was being reused and recycling from this service as well as the ‘bulky’ collection service offered by the Council.  Some Members had received reports that residents were having difficulties with bulky collections with some large items being refused and requested that this be investigated.


The Chairman informed the Committee that Paul Vanston, Kent Waste Partnerships Manager was available to come to the next meeting.  An informal meeting with the witness was suggested by the Scrutiny Officer to include Officers who could provide the Committee with relevant background information, helpful to the review. It was agreed that a meeting should be arranged and any Members unable to attend should be provided with the key points raised.


Members discussed the possibilities of reusing waste and self contained waste within developments to provide energy.  The Committee recalled a review by the Local Government Agency and asked the Scrutiny Officer to research this on their behalf.


The Scrutiny Officer informed Members about a plastic recycling plant called Closed Loop that would be beneficial to visit as part of the review.  The Committee were in agreement and discussed a possible date.


It was resolved that:


a)  The Tendering Strategy – Waste and Recycling Contract 2013 should be the focus of the September meeting, moving the Crime and Disorder Meeting to October;


b)  Dr Jane Beasley should be added as an expert witness for the review and contacted by the Scrutiny Officer regarding attending a meeting;



c)  The Recycling figures for the Waste and Recycling Centre in Tovil should be investigated by the Scrutiny Officer and a visit added to the scoping document;


d)  The reuse and recycling of waste collected by the Freighter Services and Bulky Collections should be investigated with the Waste Team and reports of residents having difficulties with the bulky collections should be passed on to the Waste Team;


e)  An informal meeting with Paul Vanston, Kent Waste Partnerships Manager should be arranged; to include the Committee, Steve Goulette, Assistant Director Environment & Regulatory Services and the Waste Team and Members unable to attend should be provide with the key points raised;


f)  The Scrutiny Officer should investigate and report back to the committee on findings relating to the reuse of waste as an energy source; and


g)  A visit should be arranged for 12 August to Closed Loop, a plastic recycling facility based in Dagenham.



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