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Agenda item

The Leader and Cabinet Members - Written Updates


The Committee discussed the written updates from the Leader and Cabinet Members.  Members noted the differing approaches and levels of detail given about the various portfolios and priorities for the year.  The Committee felt that the updates were valuable and enabled them to pick up on certain issues which they could immediately offer feedback and identify areas where further information would be useful.  The Committee was particularly interested in youth deprivation and teenage pregnancy, an area addressed by Councillor John A Wilson in his update.  It was decided that this should be highlighted to the appropriate Scrutiny Committee in the form of a written recommendation.  Members felt that engagement at County level was missing in particular and wanted to ensure that the Local Strategic Partnership were aware of their concerns. 


Member’s felt that the Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Service’s priorities were areas where duplication could occur because of the uncertain future of the Local Strategic Partnership with the development of Locality Boards.  The Committee felt that this was something they could therefore monitor as changes took place over the year and the Cabinet Member’s statement had provided them with the information required.  Members also felt that recent Scrutiny work in the previous Municipal Year could be provided as a useful background to other areas of the Cabinet Member’s portfolio.


The Committee was interested in finding out more from the Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Transport in three specific areas: the use of the river, transportation and general planning matters regarding the regeneration of Maidstone.  In terms of regeneration projects Members asked that the Cabinet Member update them on Maidstone East Station, the Post Office and Kent County Council.


If was resolved that:


a)  The Cabinet should be thanked for their updates and Councillor J A Wilson’s contribution be noted as exactly what Members were looking for in terms of a written update;

b)  Councillor J A Wilson advised of Scrutiny’s 2010-11 Work Programmes as a useful background to his 2011-12 priorities and that the work and developments of the Local Strategic Partnership be monitored;

c)  Councillor Greer, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Transport  should be asked to provide further detail on the following areas of his portfolio:

·  Making more use of the River, complete with an ‘artists corner’;

·  Transportation;

·  General planning matters regarding the regeneration of Maidstone; an update on the regeneration plans for Maidstone East Station, The Post Office and KCC Buildings: and

d)  A recommendation should be sent to the Cabinet Member for Communities and Leisure and the Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee advising that the Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny would like the issues of teenage pregnancy and disadvantaged young people addressed urgently though the Local Strategic Partnership with high level engagement with Kent County Council Education and Youth Services following the approval of the Committee.


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