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Agenda item

Update on the Visitor Economic Business Unit

Interview with:


Brian Morgan, Assistant Director of Regeneration & Cultural Services; and

John Foster, Economic Development Manager.


The Chairman welcomed Brian Morgan, Assistant Director of Regeneration & Cultural Services and John Foster, Economic Development Manager to the meeting and invited them to provide the update.


Mr Morgan stated that the creation of the Visitor Economy Business Unit followed the prioritisation of service areas by the Cabinet as part of the Budget Setting process. Whilst Economic Development had been identified as a high priority, tourism had been identified as a low priority with a subsequent reduction in investment. It was also noted that the Heart of Kent organisation which provided information on accommodation and tourist attractions was ceasing, making every Local Authority responsible for their own area. Financially, the Council needed to reduce services that were provided in the Museum, Theatre and within tourism. All of these factors contributed to the creation of the Visitor Economy Business Unit (VEBU). Mr Morgan continued by explaining the two main purposes of the VEBU, being to provide an administrative role and to promote the borough as a venue for tourism for the purposes of growing the economy which was reflected in the Council’s priorities.


Mr Morgan stated that he had done some research on a report in 2006, which mentioned the intension for the Visitor Information Centre (VIC) in the Town Hall to be moved to the Museum East Wing once the redevelopment had been completed. The move in May 2011 was driven by two factors; to reduce costs and make better use of staff (as it was not possible to fund and serve three buildings).Furthermore by moving the VEBU and VIC staff to the Museum early it allowed cross training to take place. This was duly noted in the Cabinet papers that had been provided in the agenda, and already savings had been identified from the structure.


In answer to a question, Mr Morgan stated that the previous delay in the East Wing development was unfortunate. The Council was addressing issues that arose from the surveying of the building. Mr Morgan informed the Committee that overall savings that had been allocated for this financial year from the staff re-structure of £149,000. Mr Morgan offered to provide a breakdown of the figures with the last audit report and a copy of the operational plans for the VIC to the Committee. In answer to a question, Mr Morgan explained that the current delay in opening the Museum was due to electrical work that was required. However, he had been advised that it should be able to open early September 2011. The Committee noted that this would miss the summer holiday season, and enquired if they should be concerned about this. Mr Morgan stated that the peak time was from July-November, and therefore was not concerned. In relation to the opening ceremony, the Committee enquired if plans were being made for September which included the press, local hotels and other amenities. Mr Morgan informed the Committee that as well as delivering a phased opening of sections, a programme was being developed for the first opening in September 2011.


The Committee asked Mr Morgan if there were any plans for the vacant space within the Town Hall. Mr Morgan stated that Mr David Tibbit, Property and Procurement Manager was heading this project and the Committee was advised to address him directly. The Committee noted this, and agreed that the use of the space on a temporary basis for events should be investigated.


The Committee commented on the lack of signage throughout the town, as many people were not aware that the VIC had moved to the Museum. It was noted that previously, the VIC being situated on the High Street meant that visitors were experiencing more of the towns facilities, as smaller shops tended to be near the High Street, and the Committee was wary that large signage for fast food restaurants were dominant. Mr Foster informed the Committee that the VEBU is aware that better signage was required, and had recently acquired permission from the old Army and Navy store on Week Street to use one window for advertising.  In answer to a question Mr Foster stated that communication regarding the move of the VIC had been done through media means such as Maidstone Matters and Downs Mail, and noted that staff and Members needed to be kept more up-to-date with the timetable in the future.


Mr Morgan stated that since the VIC had moved the Museum, the number of visitors had been reduced partially because the Museum was still under construction and potentially because of the relocation of the VIC, however it was too early too confirm that. The Committee asked for the figures relating to this to be provided.


The Committee thanked Mr Morgan and Mr Foster for the information and looked forward to receiving further information in due course.


Resolved: That Mr Morgan and Mr Foster be thanked for the information and that:

a)  the breakdown of the staffing figures, the last audit report and a copy of the operational plans for the VIC be circulated to the Committee;

b)  the space in the Town Hall being used on a temporary basis for events be investigated;

c)  better and bigger signage for both the VIC and the Museum be explored, and where possible include the Hazlitt Theatre;

d)  the Committee be kept up-to-date with regards to the timetable on the Museum;

e)  the figures relating to the number of visitors since it moved to the Museum be circulated to the Committee; and

f)  the opening ceremony in September 2011 should include the press, local hotels, train stations and other local amenities.


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