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Issue details

Refresh of the Improvement Plan for 2013/14

The Improvement Plan 2012-15 explains the key workstreams for the Council’s improvement journey, the drivers for improvement as well as priority services and projects for improvement. It allows work to be planned, sufficiently supported and monitored to ensure savings needs and the improvements required for the Council to meet its priority outcomes are delivered. In line with the Strategic Plan, the Improvement Plan 2012-15 is being retained for 2013/14 but refreshed to take account of any changes. Progress made in priority services and projects for improvement in the first half of 2012/13 was also reported.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Policies, Plans, Strategies;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/11/2012

Decision due: 19 Dec 2012 by Cabinet.

Department: Business Improvement

Contact: Georgia Hawkes, Director of Mid Kent Services 01622 602168 or Email: Email:

Public Or Private and Reason if Private: Public


Agenda items


  • Refresh of the Improvement Plan for 2013/14  

Background papers