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Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Question and Answer Session for Members of the Public'

  • Councillor Bryan Vizzard - Personal - By virtue of being one of the Council's representatives on the Executive Committee of the Maidstone Beauvais Twinning Association, and one of the questions related to future support for the Association.
  • Councillor Michael Yates - Personal - By virtue of being one of the Council's representatives on the Executive Committee of the Maidstone Beauvais Twinning Association, and one of the questions related to future support for the Association.
  • Councillor Mike FitzGerald - Personal - By virtue of being a member of the Executive Committee of the Maidstone Beauvais Twinning Association, and one of the questions related to future support for the Association.
  • Councillor Mrs Denise Joy - Personal - By virtue of being a member of the Executive Committee of the Maidstone Beauvais Twinning Association, and one of the questions related to future support for the Association.
  • Councillor Mrs Wendy Hinder - Personal - By virtue of being one of the Council's representatives on the Executive Committee of the Maidstone Beauvais Twinning Association, and one of the questions related to future support for the Association.
  • Councillor Patrick Sellar - Personal - By virtue of being one of the Council's representatives on the Executive Committee of the Maidstone Beauvais Twinning Association, and one of the questions related to future support for the Association.
  • Councillor Peter Parvin - Personal - By virtue of being a member of the Executive Committee of the Maidstone Beauvais Twinning Association, and one of the questions related to future support for the Association.