Contact your Parish Council

Meeting attendance

Tuesday 9th September, 2014 6.30 pm, Community, Environment and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Venue:   Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone

Contact:    Tessa Mallett
01622 602524

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Alistair Black Substitute Member Present as substitute
Councillor Derek Butler Substitute Member Present as substitute
Councillor Mrs Denise Joy Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Derek Mortimer Vice-Chair, in the Chair Present
Councillor Steve Munford Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Daphne Parvin Committee Member Present
Councillor Martin Round Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Dave Sargeant Committee Member Present
Councillor Mrs Paulina Stockell Committee Member Present
Councillor Bryan Vizzard Substitute Member Present as substitute
Councillor Belinda Watson Committee Member Apologies
Councillor John A Wilson Chairman Apologies