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RECORD OF DECISION OF THE Cabinet Member for Regeneration





Decision Made:

30 December 2009


Detling, Linton, and Maidstone Holy Trinity Conservation Area Management Plans



Issue for Decision


To consider whether to approve the draft Conservation Area Management Plans for Detling, Linton, and Maidstone Holy Trinity for public consultation purposes.



Decision Made


1.   That the Detling Conservation Area Management Plan, Linton Conservation Area Management Plan, and Maidstone Holy Trinity Conservation Area Management Plan, attached to the Report of the Assistant Director of Development and Community Strategy as Appendix A, B and C, be approved for consultation with relevant bodies and individuals. 


2.   That delegated authority be given to the Assistant Director of Development and Community Strategy to make presentational, editorial and minor changes to the texts prior to publication for consultation, including the inclusion of maps and photographs.




Reasons for Decision


The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 requires local authorities to review their conservation areas from time to time in order to consider the possibility of revising their boundaries and to identify changes and pressures which may affect the original reasons for their designation.  In order that informed decisions can be made on planning applications it is important to identify the special character of conservation areas which it is sought to preserve or enhance.


Adopted Conservation Area Appraisals have identified the key elements which combine to produce the special historic and architectural interest of the Conservation Areas, analysed how they interact and impact upon one another and explained how the areas have developed into their current form.  They have sought to identify pressures and developments which threaten the special character of the Conservation Areas and sites and features which detract from their character and appearance.  The clear understanding of the Conservation Areas’ qualities provided in the appraisals offers suggestions for future policies and improvements as well as providing a framework against which decisions on individual planning proposals may be assessed.  These are now further elaborated in the Conservation Area Management Plans.


Resulting from the findings of the appraisal, each management plan contains proposals to preserve or enhance the relevant conservation area.  The document includes the policy background to the management plan, principles for development control, and suggested boundary alterations.  It also contains information on review and good practice procedures.


The Conservation Area Management Plans have been written in accordance with guidelines set down by English Heritage and Planning Policy Guidance Note 15.  These have now been drafted (attached as Appendix A, B and C to the Report of the Assistant Director of Development and Community Strategy) for my approval to enable a consultation process to be carried out.  The combined documents will be the subject of appropriate consultation in accordance with the aims of the Council’s adopted Statement of Community Involvement.  This will include the following bodies and individuals:-


a)   English Heritage

b)   Kent County Council Heritage Unit

c)   Ward Members

d)   Detling and Linton Parish Councils

e)   Any other relevant organizations with an interest in the particular areas, e.g. CPRE, the AONB Unit, the Garden History Society, the Chamber of Commerce and the Town Centre Manager.


In addition, copies will be placed on the Borough Council’s website, in

local libraries and a display will be located in the Gateway.  A formal notice will be published in the KM and there will also be a press release.  Public meetings will also be held.  This should ensure that the management plan documents are brought to the attention of the local public.


Once responses are received changes may need to be made to the

documents.  These will then be reported back to me for final approval for publication. 




Alternatives considered and why rejected


The alternative would be not to approve the Management Plans for consultation.  However, following this course of action would mean that the Council was not complying with national guidance and best practice.




Background Papers


609/111/01 Detling Conservation Area Appraisal (Adopted 26 March 2008)

609/123/01 Linton Conservation Area Appraisal (Adopted 26 March 2008)

609/100/06 Maidstone Holy Trinity Conservation Area Appraisal (Adopted 2 October 2007).











Should you be concerned about this decision and wish to call it in, please submit a call in form signed by any two Non-Executive Members to the Scrutiny Manager by:  7 January 2010.

















Issue for Decision




Decision Made




Reasons for Decision




Alternatives considered and why rejected




Background Papers




















Issue for Decision




Decision Made




Reasons for Decision




Alternatives considered and why rejected




Background Papers