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Quarter 2 Strategic Plan Action Plan Update


Quarter 2 Strategic Plan Action Plan Update



Priority 1: Keeping Maidstone an attractive place for all

Providing a Clean and Safe Environment

Over the past 5 years, Maidstone Borough Council has demonstrated its commitment to deliver cost effective and sustainable waste and recycling services, as a result our recycling rate has improved significantly. Maidstone does not experience high levels of crime.


Safer Maidstone Partnership Strategic Assessment

Adoption of Safeguarding Policy

A report containing the revised policy was reviewed and agreed by Corporate Leadership Team. A report is being taken to Communities, Housing, and Environment Committee with the new policy to be adopted on 18 October.


Depot Services Development Plan


Consider the feasibility of all potential projects

A number of initiatives have been considered and research has been carried out to determine their viability. Two areas, commercial waste and fleet maintenance, have been identified as the most feasible for commercial growth or improved efficiencies and therefore additional support is currently being sought to undertake full reviews into these areas to explore the most viable opportunities. The work is not expected to be complete until early 2017.


Identify viable projects

Specifications have been prepared for the two projects which have been identified as feasible both from an operational and financial perspective, in order to gain external support to carry out a full options appraisal. The reviews are due to take place by the beginning of 2017 enabling viable options to be implemented in 2017/18.


Environmental Enforcement Strategy


Increase in FPN littering and dog fouling charges

The littering fixed penalty notice charges have been increased, however the dog fouling charges are proposed to increase to £100 as part of the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) which the team is preparing for approval by the Communities, Housing and Environment Committee, which will also see plans to require dogs to be on leads in specific areas (i.e. shopping parades) and on request from an officer. The plans are currently out to consultation with the public.



Draft new youth littering engagement programmes

Analysis of evidence captured by Kingdom Security has shown that very little littering witnessed is by youths and therefore it is not currently proposed to have a specific youth engagement programme. The main form of litter which results in the issuing of a fixed penalty notice are cigarette ends and there is no evidence to suggest there is an issue with under 16s. However the educational programme for littering will continue and is currently focused on Keep Britain Tidy's chewing gum campaign.


Develop a coherant analysis of all environmental data

The development of environmental data analysis is being incorporated into an action plan for improving the delivery of Environmental Enforcement which will include looking at the resourcing of the service and administration functions.


Street Cleansing Mobile Technology Development Plan


Implementation of a Bin Audit review action plan

All litter bins have now been given an asset number and work is starting on the removal of all dog waste bins by the end of the financial year. Approximately 60 new litter bins for both litter and dog waste are being installed in areas where dog bins have been removed. Work is also underway to obtain funding to replace the metal litter bins in the town centre which cause rust stains on the granite service and require additional cleansing.


Adoption of vehicle asset management systems

Mobile tracking now in place through the mobile technology solution. Dash cams also being explored to assess the benefits particularly relating to accidents and insurance claims.


Explore opportunities for dynamic tasking of street cleansing operatives

Phase 3 of the mobile technology has now been implemented with the allocation of tasks without the need for a supervisor to manually allocate work.


MBC Commercial Waste Service


Achieve 350 business customers

The service continues to be actively marketed and has now achieved over 380 customers and is reaching capacity with the existing resource. A specification has been drafted and quotations have been sought to undertake a full review of the service and explore the viability of expanding the service further and the requirement of additional investment.





Glass feasibility collection study

An initial feasibility study was carried out into the provision of glass collections, however the success of the existing service has resulted in further investment being required to continue to grow the existing service. Therefore a review of the service is going to be carried out over the next couple of months to explore the opportunities to maximise income and continue to be competitive within the market. Glass collections will be considered as part of this along with opportunities to extend the service into neighbouring boroughs who have expressed an interest in the service.



Encouraging Good Health and Wellbeing

Deprivation in the borough is lower than average, however 15% (4,300) of children (under 16 years old) in Maidstone live in poverty. There is a larger difference in life expectancy of men and women; 7 years lower for men and 4 years lower for women in the most deprived areas of Maidstone than in the least deprived.


Housing Assistance Policy


Complete stock condition survey

Discussions are taking place to enable a partnership procurement from the Building Research Establishment to provide the survey at a reduced cost to a number of Kent authorities. Ashford Borough Council is taking the lead and will report back by the year end.


Priority 2: Securing a successful economy for Maidstone Borough

Planning for Sufficient Homes to meet our Borough’s Needs

Over the last five years, the supply of new, affordable housing within the borough has been greater than in neighbouring authorities, although still less than historic levels. 189 new affordable homes were built in the borough in 2013/14 and 163 in 2014/15.  In total 413 new homes were delivered in 2014/15, of these new homes over 75% were built on land that had previously been developed.


Housing Assistance Policy


Complete stock condition survey

Discussions are taking place to enable a partnership procurement from the Building Research Establishment to provide the survey at a reduced cost to a number of Kent authorities. Ashford Borough Council is taking the lead and will report back by the year end.