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Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the Regulation 19 Maidstone Borough Local Plan

March 2017

The Main Modifications which are proposed to be made to the Regulation 19 version of the Maidstone Borough Local Plan (which was dated February 2016) are set out in the schedule below.

The schedule includes the proposed Main Modifications which at this stage the Local Plan Inspector, Mr Robert Mellor BSC DIPTRP DIPDBE DMS MRICS MRTPI, considers will be necessary in order for him to be able to find the Local Plan sound and legally compliant.  The proposed Main Modifications are put forward without prejudice to the Inspector’s final conclusions on the Plan and they need to be subject to public consultation.  

The public consultation on the proposed Main Modifications runs from Friday 31st March until 5pm on Friday 19th May 2017.

All duly made representations on the proposed Main Modifications received by 5pm on Friday 19th May 2017 will be sent to the Inspector for his consideration. Please note that representations must relate to the proposed Main Modifications Schedule and not to other, unchanged aspects of the Plan.

Text proposed to be deleted is shown as strikethrough, and new text is shown as italic and underlined. Each proposed Main Modification is referenced for ease, and also indicates its location in the submitted plan, a reference to its origin (PC/ ref) and a reason for the proposed Main Modification.


Policy EMP1(54) Woodcut Farm, Ashford Road, Bearsted Supporting text

Action 8.5

Amend supporting text to Policy EMP1(54) as follows:    


15.2 There is a unique opportunity in the borough to provide a prestigious business park at Junction 8 of the M20 that is well connected to the motorway network and that can provide for a range of job needs up to 2031. The Woodcut Farm site will meet the ‘qualitative’ need for a new, well serviced and well connected mixed use business park in the borough which can meet the anticipated demand for new offices, small business orientated space, stand-alone industrial and manufacturing space built for specific end users and smaller scale distribution businesses. This site will overcome this ‘qualitative’ gap in the borough’s existing portfolio of employment sites and will thereby help to diversify the range of sites available to new and expanding businesses in the borough to help accommodate future demand. The key priority for the Woodcut Farm site is the delivery of new office/research & development floorspace (B1a/b). The site will provide at least 10,000sqm of B1a/b floorspace, thereby contributing significantly towards the evidenced need for 24,600sqm of this type of floorspace by the end of the Plan period.   Land at Woodcut Farm is allocated to provide for a mix of business uses comprising industrial, offices and distribution/logistics. High quality office development is sought, such as that required by company headquarters for example, providing complementary provision to the town centre.  As the viability of office development may be challenging in the shorter term, land will be safeguarded specifically for B1a/b uses, and for no other purpose, pending the viability position improving in the later part of the Plan period. This approach will help ensure that the site delivers a genuine mixed B class use business park, which is what is required, rather than a logistics park or conventional industrial estate.     Industrial (B2) and distribution (B8) uses are nonetheless appropriate as part of the mix of uses on the site and, in addition to the office requirement, the allocation will help deliver the quantative need for the 7,965sqm additional warehousing floorspace which is needed in the borough by 2031.




15.9 The flatter area of the site, to the east of the stream, is better able to accommodate larger footprint buildings up to 10,000sqm 5,000sqm with heights restricted to a maximum of 12m. To the west of the stream the land rises and is suited to smaller footprint buildings of up to 2,500sqm and up to 8m in height. The siting, scale and detailed design of development within this area must also have particular regard to the setting of Woodcut Farmhouse (Grade II listed). On the highest part of the site, as shown on the policies map, to the east of the Woodcut Farm complex, building footprints will be limited to 500sqm.



Policy EMP1(54) Woodcut Farm, Ashford Road, Bearsted:


Woodcut Farm, as shown on the policies map, is allocated for development for up to 49,000m2 mixed employment floorspace (B1c; B2; B1a; B1b; B8).  The site will deliver a genuine mix of B class uses in terms of type and range. Office type uses (B1a & b) will be a vital component of this mix and the site will provide at least 10,000sqm of B1a /B1b floorspace as an absolute minimumIn the event of a demand arising, an element of hi-tech and/or research and development (B1(b)) would be appropriate as part of the overall mix of B class uses on the site. The mixed use employment, landscaping and infrastructure elements will be delivered in an integrated and co-ordinated manner that respect the site’s visual and physical relationship with the Kent Downs AONB. Planning permission will be granted if the following criteria are met.


Design & layout

1. The proposals create a spacious parkland setting for development through the addition of substantial internal landscaping which will be sympathetic to the site’s countryside context and which will help to break up the visual appearance of the development including parking areas in particular in views from the AONB including through the use of substantial tracts of planting extending into the body of the development to achieve  clear visual separation between individual buildings and between parking areas; buildings will cover not more than 40% of the developed site area.


2. The development proposals will respect the topography of the site by minimising the need for site excavation.


3. Landscape buffers of at least 15m in width are established along the site’s boundaries, to M20 and to Musket Lane, which will also to help secure the setting to Woodcut Farmhouse (Grade II listed) and the amenity of residential properties at Chestnuts and White Heath. Development will have a landscaped frontage to A20.


3. Landscape buffers of at least 35m in depth are established along the site’s boundary to the M20 including a new native woodland shaw, at least 15m to Musket Lane, at least 25m to the A20 including a planted bund, and at least 30m along the western boundary, which will also to help secure the setting to Woodcut Farmhouse (Grade II listed) and the amenity of residential properties at Chestnuts and White Heath. Tracts of structural landscaping will extend into development areas of at least 15m in width.


4. An area of 9ha to the north and north west of Woodcut Farm is secured as an undeveloped landscape area in the form of open woodland including the addition of a landscape buffer of at least 30m along the eastern boundary. Future management of this area will be secured by means of legal agreement and maintained in perpetuity.


5. Larger footprint buildings will be are accommodated in the field to the east of the stream up to a maximum unit size of 10,000sqm 5,000sqm with building ridge heights not to exceed 12m. Units should be orientated end-on to predominant views to and from the AONB.


6. Development on the field to the west of the stream comprises smaller units of up to 2,500sqm footprint with g. Graded building heights that will take account of the site’s topography with building ridge heights not to exceed 8m. On the highest part of the site to the east of the Woodcut Farm complex at and above the 55m contour line as shown on the policies map, building footprints will be limited to 500sqm. The siting, scale and detailed design of development must have regard to the preservation of Woodcut Farmhouse (Grade II) and its setting.


[additional criterion]

X. The development proposals are designed to limit their visual impact including through the use of curved roofs on buildings, non-reflective materials, sensitive colouring, green roofs and walls on smaller footprint buildings (500sqm and below), and sensitive lighting proposals. Buildings should include active frontage elements incorporating glazing, and address both the A20 and M20.


[additional criterion]


Y. To the east of the stream, land to accommodate a minimum of 7,500sqm of floorspace within Use Classes B1(a) and B1(b) will be provided. Land sufficient for at least 5,000sqm of this floorspace will be provided with vehicular access and all necessary services including drainage and electrical power supply to the boundary of the plot/s prior to the first occupation of any units falling within Use Classes B1(c), B2 or B8. The land which is provided for the minimum of 7,500sqm of B1(a) and B1(b)  will be safeguarded from any other uses until April 2026 or until otherwise allocated through a Local Plan Review.


[additional criterion]


Z. To the west of the stream, land to accommodate a minimum of 2,500sqm of floorspace within Use Classes B1(a) and B1(b) will be provided. This land will be safeguarded from any other uses until April 2026 or until otherwise allocated through a Local Plan Review.



Landscape and ecology

7. The development proposals are designed to take into account the results of a landscape and visual impact assessment (LVIA) undertaken in accordance with the principles of current guidance. The assessment will specifically address the impact of development on views to and from the Kent Downs AONB escarpment. This will include environmental enhancements of the wider landscape beyond the allocation boundaries through financial contributions using the mechanism of a S106 agreement.


8. The development proposals are designed to take account of the results of a phase 1 habitat survey and any species specific surveys that may as a result be necessary, together with any necessary mitigation and significant enhancement measures.



9. The proposals are designed to take account of the archaeological interest on the site as revealed through appropriate survey.



10. Vehicular access to the site will be from A20 Ashford Road.


Highways and transportation

11. Improvements to capacity at the A20/Willington Street junction.


12. Package of measures to provide bus stops, pedestrian refuges and improvements to the footway on the northern side of the A20 Ashford Road.


13. Development will contribute, as proven necessary through a Transport Assessment, to improvements at the following junctions:

i. the M20 Junction 8 (including the west-bound on-slip and merge);

ii. the A20 Ashford Rd/M20 link road roundabout;

iii. the A20 Ashford Rd/Penford Hill junction;

iv. the A20 Ashford Rd/Eyhorne Street/Great Danes Hotel access; and

v. the Willington Street/A20 Ashford Rd junction.


14. Development will deliver a significant package of sustainable transport measures to secure access to the site by a range of sustainable modes, including the provision of a subsidised bus route, and must be supported by the implementation of a Travel Plan.



Minerals safeguarding


15. This site falls within the Minerals Safeguarding Areas as shown on the policies map and therefore development proposals will be required to undertake a minerals assessment to assess the viability and practicability of prior extraction of the minerals resource. The minerals assessment will comply with Policy DM7 of the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan (2013-2030) and any supplementary planning guidance produced by the Minerals Planning Authority in respect of minerals safeguarding.”  

