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Urgent Update Report Tutsham

Item 12.  Pages 1-13


Reference Number: 13/0226




Tutsham Farm

Hunt Street

West Farleigh





Additional representation


One further letter of objection has been received from a neighbour whom has previously commented on the application, this in summary outlines the following :


1.Excess & additional traffic generation / road safety along & through what is otherwise a single 1 way farm roads which has no means of allowing anything other than minimal traffic along this unadopted private road the ownership of which is not vested in the Applicant who has nothing more than a right of way over the track.


2. Any further traffic along this road will cause serious issues of road safety passing Cottages that are occupied by elderly residents some of whom like myself are registered disabled.


3.Nos1-7 Mill Cottages are Listed Buildings & any increase in traffic will undoubtedly result in substantial deterioration to such properties & there immediate surroundings.


4.There will also be some increase caused by such excess traffic in terms of smells & disturbance & loss of privacy


5. The original permission granted to the Applicant was on the premise that he wished to provide Equestrian facilities to the disabled & in particular disabled children. The fact that this is presumably no longer financially viable should not allow the Applicant to alter such permission to convert it to use for commercial purposes which it seems was clearly his intention from the outset.


6. This Applicant has made, it is believed, 9 previous applications for retrospective permission all of which have been granted without taking into account the welfare of other residents such as ourselves


If, notwithstanding these comments, the Council is minded to grant this frivolous & vexatious application it must take into account the genuine concerns of local residents with reference in particular to increased traffic with some provisions being incorporated to ensure traffic to & from the premises should only enter & leave via the Hunt St. Entrance with a gate being installed ,as was once the case, to prevent access through & along the roadway leading from Teston Lane into Tutsham Farm.


Officer’s comments

The representation raises no new matters and it is considered that the Committee report satisfactorily addresses the points raised.


A further supporting e-mail has been submitted by the applicant and is accompanied by three e-mails of support from foster carers who use the equestrian facilities.  This in summary sets out the following :


-A saddle club is run on a Saturday.

-No commercial livery is provided.  Care is solely undertaken for the horses that are used as part of Team Tutsham and the applicant’s personal horses.


-The facility has improved the mental health and behaviour of the children visiting and provides respite care.


-The confidence has grown of children using the facility and enables time to be spent outdoors, making new friends and learinng new skills.


Other matters


The site plan referred to in the Background Papers and Plan at 7.0, namely Dwg No. 2300/0P/6A (Site Layout Plan), includes the land relating to the sand school within the site area.  This area to the south-western corner should be excluded from the site and an amended plan has been provided.


Recommendation remains unchanged subject to the following additional condition:


(1) The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


Dwg No. 2300/0P/6B (Site Layout Plan)

Dwg No. 2300/05 (Biodiversity Plan)

Reason: To clarify which plans have been approved.

(8) Within 3 months of the date of this decision, details of any permanent or temporary gates, walls, fences or other means of enclosure sited within the site area shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and implemented and retained in strict accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To enable the Local Planning Authority to protect the visual amenities of the locality.