Contact your Parish Council

Item 19, Pages 79-84                                                         28A High Street Headcorn Ashford, Kent, TN27 9NE


Reference number: 17/502930/FULL



Since the completion of the report, Headcorn Parish Council has submitted one further representation on 28.09.17.


“The Chair and committee had listened to the Parishioners concerns who had spoken in the public session and made particular reference to:-


1.         The extended opening hours proposed by MBC  - at odds with HPC and the applicant themselves

2.         The report did not properly reflect all the objections/concerns to this application

3.         The unit in question has no fire retardant ceiling as would be required by law in a commercial building with a residential unit over. Any construction in this regard would require listed building consent as this property is both in a conservation area and Grade 11 listed.

4.         At 250 metres square this unit is approximately 10% of the total area of this property and could not therefore be considered incidental

5.         No consideration has been given to sound proofing, with the ceiling formed by the floor boards of the residential unit above the noise of clients etc. could be disruptive to the resident, especially given the proposed late opening.

            Given the recent fire in Headcorn it is essential that due regard to this matter is taken, a small fire not quickly controlled could cause destruction to the neighbouring listed buildings.

6.         The report gives the impression that the High Street is largely commercial/retail. Given that from the flats at the Foremans Centre down to St Peter and St Paul's Church there is just the one retail unit and the remainder is housing, this is simply not the case. This is not a vast town High Street of shops      but a village High Street with residential places above and surrounding the area.

7.         Furthermore the report suggest that there are similar businesses with late opening hours again this is not wholly accurate. There are hairdressers and the like in the High Street and some do have late opening but it is only on one day a week and not all week

            The committee agreed that they still wish to support the application but wish to see greater control over the opening hours and could not support the same until all the appropriate Fire Regulations have been complied with.


HPC  would strongly recommend that the item is withdrawn from tonight's agenda and due regard to the Fire Regulations taken before proceeding with this application.”


The request by Headcorn Parish Council to withdraw the application is not considered to be a planning ground and the recommendation remains unchanged.


Officer recommendation remains unchanged as stated in the report.