Contact your Parish Council

Appendix 2                                                                                         Sutton Valence Village Hall Car Park

Objection 6

Comment 4

Support 1






Cllr Garten& Mrs Puckett


I am reading your email with interest. Although this carpark is outside my ward, I am curious as to why this decision was taken and whether it will have any implications for the local Primary School which heavily relies on this car-park.

The Parish Council have requested restrictions be placed on the Car Park to deter overnight and all day parking to help manage parking demand, this should not have a detrimental effect on the School as the car park will only be "closed" between 07.15 -08.15 which we anticipate will alleviate the overnight/all day parking.


However if during the consultation period this is raised as an issue we can amend the times if necessary.

Kent Police


Kent Police have no objections to offer in relation to this scheme


Edward Avery



5 North Street Sutton Valence

I write in response to your letter dated 21st June 2017 and object to the implementation of the proposed order. My reasons for objection are as follows:

1. The demand for parking at the village hall is minimal. The number of residents vehicles parked in the car park is generally in order of 10-12 vehicles only. There are very few events (in my experience, maybe one event per month) where there is a deficiency in parking spaces available either to the users of the village hall or to the residents. In these rare circumstances, the removal of the resident’s vehicles would in any case not free up sufficient spaces to satisfy the over-demand. This statement by the Parish Council is not based on any survey or statistical analysis (that has been made available to residents at least), it is merely cover for them to introduce a revenue-generating permit system.

The Parking Order is unnecessary for the stated reason.

2. The residents of North Street have no other parking available to them. Should the order be implemented and a permit system be introduced, those residents that are unable to afford a permit will have no choice but to park either in the Haven Farm lay-by to the South of the village hall or on the road itself. Traffic travels at high speed in this area (often well in excess of the 30mph speed limit). Parking in the road will cause unnecessary obstruction to traffic flow on the Headcorn Road causing delay and risk to motorists (as is currently seen in Leeds Village).

This presents a serious increased risk of road traffic accident, vehicle damage and risk to pedestrians.

3. The designated residents parking area and permit system proposed by the Parish Council is not fit for purpose. The Parish Council has been unable to provide sufficient detail describing how the system is to be implemented and monitored, what security arrangements will be put in place and how they propose to ensure the safety of residents moving from the parking area to the properties close to Haven Farm (such as additional lighting requested in the residents consultation meeting with the Parish Council).

This presents a direct personal safety risk to residents and their property.

4. The residents were consulted by the Parish Council during the aforementioned consultation meeting. The Parish Council met with some resistance from residents, a number of queries were raised and suggestions made.  The Parish Council has failed to respond to residents despite stating that they would do so. They have proceeded to apply for a Parking Order without consultation of residents and presumably to avoid having to respond to the questions they were asked and without consideration of the suggestions made.

The Parish Council is acting in an under-hand manner in order to enforce a revenue-making permit scheme.

5. The car park forms part of the memorial playing field gifted to the residents of Sutton Valence. It is for one unethical and I will be taking advice as to the legality of a proposal for the Parish Council to then utilise this ground as a means of revenue from Parish residents.

The residents are not a revenue service for the Parish Council- the residents already pay Council Tax to support the Parish and utilise the local services. 

It is my belief that the Parking Services Manager should look very seriously at this proposal and consider in detail the justification that the Parish Council is putting forward. The overall effect of this proposal were it to be implemented would be detrimental to the local residents, to safety and to traffic flow through Sutton Valence. It would also fail to meet the objectives put forward by the Parish Council.

Thank you for your correspondence received in relation to the above proposed parking restrictions.


Your comments have been recorded and will be considered as part of the traffic regulation process and I will endeavour to clarify some of the parts you have raised.


The Parish Council will authorise permits for the Permit Holders sections and undertake an annual review of allocation. Any changes to the allocation will be authorised by them. The Council may limit the number of permits issued to reflect the limited number of spaces, the area designated for Permit Holders is as per the attached map, however there are no plans to implement parking charges for non-residents.


The Parish Council requested the restriction to deter long stay parking and therefore a 07:15 -08:15 hour parking ban has been put forward,  we are therefore conducted consultation on this proposal, however  I regret we are unable to reply to each individual comment received, nevertheless once all replies have been collated a report will be presented to the Parish Council for them to consider, the Parish will provide their comments on the proposals, and a report may then be subsequently submitted to the Strategic Planning Sustainability and Transport Committee, who will make a final decision on the proposal.


Thank you once again for taking the time to record your comments and I look forward to being able to update you on the progress of the proposed parking order in the near future.



Further to your correspondence received in the course of the consultation in

relation to the above proposal.



During the consolation period we received a number of letters raising

Objection and as a result of the views expressed and concerns raised a

Parish Meeting was held on 4th September 2017 and at the meeting it was

resolved to amend the Closed Period from;

The Proposed 07.15- 08.15 to 06.15 to 07.15,

and to reduce the cost of the Permits from £120.00 to £96.00 per annum

which can be paid in two half yearly instalments.

The proposed Permit Holders section of the Car park was also subsequently

resurfaced and lined with numbered bays that can be allocated.

Therefore I respectfully request that you consider withdrawing your objection which would enable us to continue with the proposal and if you are agreeable to withdrawing your objection this must be in writing, or if you wish to discuss the matter further please do not hesitate in contacting me.

I apologise for any inconvenience caused and I would like to thank you for your comments.

Mike Gammon



Comments at first then objected,


as now withdrawn 1 objection


I received your letter dated 21st June 2017 with reference to the off street parking places order for the Sutton Valence Village Hall car park (Off Street Parking Places Variation No. 9). I would thank you to subsequently forward this on to the Parking Services Manager.

As a resident I have some concerns and questions with regards to this order and they are as follows;

1.            Firstly, the cost of the permit seems vastly greater than any Resident Parking Permit you show here I appreciate there’s a difference between on and off-street parking but nearly five times as much in expense per permit seems very excessive. I raised this point with the council at one of their meetings and the response was simply that they were well within their rights and the £120 cost is reasonable, not exactly a satisfactory answer. I would welcome any comments from the Parking Services Manager as to how this amount came to be agreed upon.

2.            Where will the designated area be in the car park? Why not simply expand the general car park if that is what is happening anyway?

3.            What security will be placed on this designated area? Where I park currently, there is at least the benefit of some street lighting and the Village Hall’s security light when walking to my car when it is dark. After talking to other residents, I know that many would feel safer if there is suitable lighting.

4.            When does this Order come into effect?

5.            We are a two car household, is there any opportunity for concession on a second permit?

6.            Given that we are a two car household, with a permit each would we be guaranteed designated spaces or do you have an alternative idea in mind? It wouldn’t do to pay for a permit if all the spaces were taken by other permit holders because the area’s capacity cannot cope with the number of permit holding residents.

7.            How will the area be monitored to ensure that only permit holders are parking in the area?

I welcome your Parking Services Manager’s answers and comments.

Thank you for coming back to me regarding this.


I look forward to hearing how this progresses but prior to that could you attach the map you mentioned? There wasn’t any file attached.


Is there any prediction on how many spaces will be made available in this area? I’m not overly confident this area will cope with the demand from all properties in this stretch that currently use the car park.







After meeting with the Parish Council to gain some answers to the previous correspondence, I’d like to formally object to the parking order on the following grounds.

1)            The cost is too great per permit at £120, especially in comparison to other permits set by Maidstone Borough Council and also based on research of other Parish Councils in a similar predicament. I asked the Parish Council why the cost is so great and the Clerk informed me that the cost of tarmacking the area would cost around £20,000. This would be £20,000 on an area that nobody other than the Parish Council have asked for, yet many residents including myself feel punished simply because the village hall tends to overbook the facilities on occasion, especially during football season. Any cost of maintenance or upgrade to a public area should be incorporated into our Council Tax as per normal.

2)            There is no assurance of security. Where I currently park the car is across the road from my property and has the benefit of some street lighting and the village hall’s security light, if my car alarm goes off I will clearly hear it, if I am forced to park right at the other end of the car park then I will not hear a thing. As the Parish Council cannot give me any assurance that there will at least be some element of security (e.g. lighting) then this is something I strongly object to in the interest of safety.

3)            The Parish Council can use the area marked out as an overflow car park in its current state, it would be no different to a gravel car park seen in many other places. There would be no need for the expense, no need for permits and solve the problem the Parish Council has highlighted.

4)            The area is not big enough to cope with the demand of those who would require a permit. The Parish Council has said that in that case permit holders can park in bays up the same end in the main car park, so I cannot see why if that is the case we cannot park where we currently do down the other end of the car park. It doesn’t seem right that visitors would be able to park where is most convenient for free but that option would not be available to those paying for permits.

5)            If this Parking Order goes ahead then some residents may park in front of their property in objection, presenting a larger problem for the village’s traffic flow.

Please acknowledge by return receipt of this formal objection.

I formally withdraw on points 1 (reluctantly as the cost is still far from MBC permit charges) and 4 due to the revision of cost and what the Parish Council plan for over-demand but stand by the others. Point 3 is null and void as the tarmacking had already been proceeded with despite the Parking Order being fully in place because of the objections. I would have thought this work would have not proceeded until everything had been 100% ratified and in place? It is concerning that this work was proceeded with and it is only now you are asking me to renege my objections in order to ratify the proposal.

In addition to my points made, the cost of the tarmacking came in significantly less than the £20,000 quoted during the consultation (around £13,000 if I am not mistaken). I know that the Parish Council needs to recoup the cost and limit the expenditure somehow but the whole point of this was because the Village Hall felt they were missing out on bookings because of the parking situation. Surely now that the tarmacking has been completed anyway and parking capacity has been increased, there is no reason why the Village Hall couldn’t recoup from the bookings that they felt they were missing out on?

If you would like to discuss any of these points further then please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your correspondence received in relation to the above proposed parking restrictions.


Your comments have been recorded and will be considered as part of the traffic regulation process and I will endeavour to clarify some of the parts you have raised.


The cost of the permit was set by the Parish Council who will authorise season tickets issued and undertake an annual review of allocation. Any changes to the allocation will be authorised by them. The Council may limit the number of season tickets issued to reflect the limited number of spaces, the area designated for Permit Holders is as per the attached map.


This is a proposal on which we are currently conducted consultation on, I regret we are unable to reply to each individual comment received, however once all replies have been collated a report will be presented to the Parish Council for them to consider, the Parish will provide their comments on the proposals, and a report may then be subsequently submitted to the Strategic Planning Sustainability and Transport Committee, who will make a final decision on the proposal.


Thank you once again for taking the time to record your comments and I look forward to being able to update you on the progress of

the proposed parking order in the near future.



Thank you for your further correspondence in relation to the above proposed parking restrictions.















Please find attached a copy of the relevant map.


I hope this if of assistance to you, however if you do require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me.




Thank you for your further correspondence in relation to the above proposed parking restrictions.


Unfortunately at this early stage, the exact number of spaces and other specific details have not yet been established. We will of course update you accordingly when more information is available.


Thank you for taking the time to record your comments and I look forward to being able to update you on the progress of the proposed parking order in the near future.




Thank you for your correspondence received in relation to the above proposed parking restrictions.


Your comments have been recorded and will be considered as part of the traffic regulation process.


Thank you once again for taking the time to record your comments and I look forward to being able to update you on the progress of the proposed parking order in the near future.




Further to your correspondence received in the course of the consultation in relation to the above proposal.

During the consolation period we received a number of letters raising Objection and as a result of the views expressed and concerns raised a Parish Meeting was held on 4th September 2017 and at the meeting it was resolved to amend the Closed Period from; The Proposed 07.15- 08.15 to 06.15 to 07.15, and to reduce the cost of the Permits from £120.00 to £96.00 per annum which can be paid in two half yearly instalments.

The proposed Permit Holders section of the Car park was also subsequently resurfaced and lined with numbered bays that can be allocated.

Therefore I respectfully request that you consider withdrawing your objection which would enable us to continue with the proposal and if you are agreeable to withdrawing your objection this must be in writing, or if you wish to discuss the matter further please do not hesitate in contacting me.


Roger Page



Mr Page rang on 8th Feb 18 at 14.01

He was enquiry why the charge for the Permits are being introduced,

He will be writing in to express his views although confirmed that he did not object

Per se

2. Victory Terrace North Street

1/ If the extension to the car park had been completed with hard surface tarmac and in general use when constructed in August/Sep 2014, instead of being locked up and used only as an overflow car park when events in the hall or on the playing field are taking place, there would have been ample parking places.

2/ If vehicle users disregard the parking order what punishment would be incurred and who and how would it be enforced.

3/ Where would the permit holders car park be and would permit holders be allowed to use it during the day.

4/ Parking availability will improve by opening up the uncompleted car park extension at all times which was constructed at a cost of £11759.99 using council tax payers money.

5/ Charging another £120 for a parking  permit for a car park I have already paid for is in my view a money grabbing exercise.

The contents of your letter of 6th February 2018 have been noted.

Please note the comments and issues raised in my letter to Mrs L Turk of Maidstone Borough Council dated 3rd July 2017 and my letters to Janet Burnett of Sutton Valence Parish Council dated 3rd September 2012, 1st November 2014 and 15th October 2017.

The comments and issues are still relevant today.

Thank you for your correspondence received in relation to the above proposed parking restrictions.


Your comments have been recorded and will be considered as part of the traffic regulation process and I will endeavour to clarify some of the parts you have raised.


The Parish Council will authorise permits for the Permit Holders sections and undertake an annual review of allocation. Any changes to the allocation will be authorised by them. The Council may limit the number of permits issued to reflect the limited number of spaces, the area designated for Permit Holders is as per the attached map, however there are no plans to implement parking charges for non-residents.


The Parish Council requested the restriction to deter long stay parking and therefore a 07:15 -08:15 hour parking ban has been put forward,  we are therefore conducted consultation on this proposal, however  I regret we are unable to reply to each individual comment received, nevertheless once all replies have been collated a report will be presented to the Parish Council for them to consider, the Parish will provide their comments on the proposals, and a report may then be subsequently submitted to the Strategic Planning Sustainability and Transport Committee, who will make a final decision on the proposal.


Thank you once again for taking the time to record your comments and I look forward to being able to update you on the progress of the proposed parking order in the near future.


Further to your correspondence received in the course of the consultation in

relation to the above proposal.


During the consolation period we received a number of letters raising

Objection and as a result of the views expressed and concerns raised a

Parish Meeting was held on 4th September 2017 and at the meeting it was

resolved to amend the Closed Period from;

The Proposed 07.15- 08.15 to 06.15 to 07.15,

and to reduce the cost of the Permits from £120.00 to £96.00 per annum

which can be paid in two half yearly instalments.

The proposed Permit Holders section of the Car park was also subsequently

resurfaced and lined with numbered bays that can be allocated.

Therefore I respectfully request that you consider withdrawing your objection which would enable us to continue with the proposal and if you are agreeable to withdrawing your objection this must be in writing, or if you wish to discuss the matter further please do not hesitate in contacting me.

I apologise for any inconvenience caused and I would like to thank you for your comments.



Gary Rust


In Theory in favour ,then in agreement of the proposal

3 Victory Terrace

I am writing in response to your letter dated 21st June 2017 and received 22nd June 2017, relating to the Parking Order for the Sutton Valence Village Hall Car Park.Whilst, in theory, I agree with the proposal of the Parking Order, I do have some questions for clarification please, as follows;

1) The Parking Order references an area for permit holders to park in, can you confirm exactly which area of the car park this actually is. There is a fenced area that has been prepared with a hardcore finish only, is this the area? If yes is the intention to top finish this area, without which damage to tyres is a possibility? Again if this is the area how many cars is this intended for, at previous meetings it was indicated as 25 which seems a tight fit for this area, is there an agreed number of permits already confirmed?

2) I fail to see how the ruling of a parking ban between the hours of 07.15 to 08.15 can help to ease the parking congestion for events happening later that day. Is there an explanation as to how this works? How will the hour be policed regarding someone to check to see who is parking legally and who is not? Those that will undoubtedly park illegally I assume will receive a fine for not following the rules?

3) The issuing of a parking permit is a guarantee of a parking spot or a right to park only permit? If a guarantee of a spot, again how will this be policed to guarantee my spot being available whenever I require to park?


4) How will the topic of my visitors parking be addressed? If I have guests who stay overnight, will there be additional passes issued to allow them to park without the need to move their vehicles by 07.15?

5) Are there any plans to implement a parking charge for non-residents, those that use the car park when dropping off children at school, or dog walkers for instance?

As I mentioned at the beginning of this e-mail, I am in theory in favour of a guaranteed parking spot for a payable fee of £120 per annum, however the initial details are very unclear and further clarification is appreciated from your side please.

I look forward to hearing from you soon regarding my above enquiry.


Many thanks for your below response to my recent e-mail relating to the residents parking for the Sutton Valence Village Hall. It seems that you have taken my e-mail as an objection to the parking proposal and this was never the intention, in fact within my e-mail I clearly state that I am in agreement for the proposal, the only intention of my e-mail being to clarify some points that remained unclear following the last parish council meeting.

If my e-mail is still considered as an objection to the parking proposal then of course I am happy to confirm I do not object and if needed, this e-mail can be taken as my withdrawal to any objection seen. I trust this is all you require from me.


Finally, I have seen already that the newly surfaced area is already being used by non-residents for parking, even when there is no requirement for overflow parking. Can you confirm when this area will be residents only and the appropriate notifications will be in place?

I trust the above is clear and confirms my agreement to the proposal, I look forward to hearing from you soon regarding my notification question.


Thank you for your correspondence received in relation to the above proposed parking restrictions.

Your comments have been recorded and will be considered as part of the traffic regulation process and I will endeavour to clarify some of the parts you have raised.

The Parish Council will authorise permits for the Permit Holders sections and undertake an annual review of allocation. Any changes to the allocation will be authorised by them. The Council may limit the number of permits issued to reflect the limited number of spaces, the area designated for Permit Holders is as per the attached map, however  there are no plans to implement parking charges for non-residents.

The Parish Council requested the restriction to deter long stay parking and therefore a 07.15 -08.15 hour parking ban has been put forward,  we are therefore conducted consultation on this proposal, however  I regret we are unable to reply to each individual comment received, nevertheless once all replies have been collated a report will be presented to the Parish Council for them to consider, the Parish will provide their comments on the proposals, and a report may then be subsequently submitted to the Strategic Planning Sustainability and Transport Committee, who will make a final decision on the proposal.


Thank you once again for taking the time to record your comments and I look forward to being able to update you on the progress of the proposed parking order in the near future.





Further to your correspondence received in the course of the consultation in relation to the above proposal.

During the consolation period we received a number of letters raising Objection and as a result of the views expressed and concerns raised a
Parish Meeting was held on 4th September 2017 and at the meeting it was resolved to amend the Closed Period from;
The Proposed 07.15- 08.15 to 06.15 to 07.15, and to reduce the cost of the Permits from £120.00 to £96.00 per annum
which can be paid in two half yearly instalments.

The proposed Permit Holders section of the Car park was also subsequently resurfaced and lined with numbered bays that can be allocated.

Therefore I respectfully request that you consider withdrawing your objection which would enable us to continue with the proposal and if you are agreeable to withdrawing your objection this must be in writing, or if you wish to discuss the matter further please do not hesitate in contacting me.
Thank you for your confirmation withdrawing your “Objection”.


Now that the proposed Permit Holders section of the Car Park has been resurfaced we are preparing to draft the Order that  allows us to erect the appropriate signage and enforce the restrictions, however prior to this we are consulting with the objections before we can implement the restrictions, unfortunately if they do not withdraw their objections there will be further delays to the order as we would be required to submit a report to the appropriate body who would then take a decision on whether to proceed with the order.


Once we have any further updates on the proposal we will advise you accordingly.


Mr S Scott





I am writing to you in reference to the above order, letter dated 21st June 2017.

I have been a resident for some twenty years and parked my vehicle in Sutton Valence Car Park. I have been to many of the parish council meetings over this proposed issue. However the parish council has not offered a reasonable resolution to this to date, during one of these meetings I had heard one of the councillors say to another “ What shall we charge them, £300 a year”, and as you can imagine the meeting didn’t go well.

I am strongly opposed to the proposal of residents being charged, and state my reasons below.

(1) The only time that this car park is full is when the W.I. meet at the village hall on the last Tuesday of the month between 0900hrs and 1230hrs when most residents are at work, I therefore do not see a problem, also these people do not reside.

(2) On some Sundays when there are football matches on, and this sport is seasonal, those that attend to watch and play do not reside.

(3) During Monday to Friday mornings and afternoons, the parents park in the car park to take and pick up their children as they are no longer allowed to park in or outside the primary school, hence using the car park, again they do not reside.

(4) In answers to 1, 2 and 3 above I strongly feel that the residents living opposite the car park and using it are being targeted for financial gain and if anyone was to be charged it should all of the above.

(5) As for your point of no parking between 07:15 and 08:15 I see this as another way of targeting those who pay local council tax. I would also like to know what happens to visitors of residents that may wish to stay overnight, have they got to pay as well?

(6) The cost of £120 per year per vehicle is way above the average, I have a colleague that resides in Maidstone and a short walk to the town centre, he is paying £25 per year, per vehicle, which I am sure that you may be aware of.

(7) As regards to a designated area for residents, yes that maybe true but at the cost to us, hence the £120 per year, per vehicle.

(8) This designated area would hold 18 vehicles and not 25 as mentioned by the parish councillors.

With thanks in anticipation for your response.

No Response

Thank you for your correspondence received in relation to the above proposed parking restrictions.


Your comments have been recorded and will be considered as part of the traffic regulation process and I will endeavour to clarify some of the parts you have raised.


The Parish Council will authorise permits for the Permit Holders sections and undertake an annual review of allocation. Any changes to the allocation will be authorised by them. The Council may limit the number of permits issued to reflect the limited number of spaces, the area designated for Permit Holders is as per the attached map, however there are no plans to implement parking charges for non-residents.


The Parish Council requested the restriction to deter long stay parking and therefore a 07:15 -08:15 hour parking ban has been put forward,  we are therefore conducted consultation on this proposal, however  I regret we are unable to reply to each individual comment received, nevertheless once all replies have been collated a report will be presented to the Parish Council for them to consider, the Parish will provide their comments on the proposals, and a report may then be subsequently submitted to the Strategic Planning Sustainability and Transport Committee, who will make a final decision on the proposal.


Thank you once again for taking the time to record your comments and I look forward to being able to update you on the progress of the proposed parking order in the near future.



Further to your correspondence received in the course of the consultation in relation to the above proposal.


During the consolation period we received a number of letters raising Objection and as a result of the views expressed and concerns raised a Parish Meeting was held on 4th September 2017 and at the meeting it was resolved to amend the Closed Period from; The Proposed 07.15- 08.15 to 06.15 to 07.15, and to reduce the cost of the Permits from £120.00 to £96.00 per annum which can be paid in two half yearly instalments.


The proposed Permit Holders section of the Car park was also subsequently resurfaced and lined with numbered bays that can be allocated.


Therefore I respectfully request that you consider withdrawing your objection which would enable us to continue with the proposal and if you are agreeable to withdrawing your objection this must be in writing, or if you wish to discuss the matter further please do not hesitate in contacting me.

Mr J Wright

Watts Cottage

Honey Lane



I wish to object to the above order for the following reasons.

Every week day I use the car park to drop my children off to Sutton Valence Primary School.

The car park during these periods becomes very busy as many parents do the same. This method has always been endorsed by the school, as it’s a safer way to drop off children.

There are times when the car park is filled and vehicles then park in Southways Road, on the verges or in Sutton Valence Private school, until they fitted barriers.

The school itself is understandably unable to cater for all the parents dropping off and collecting their children, so the car park is a vital community asset.


There are 52 spaces where parents can park, excluding a chained off area, which was supposed to be for residents. I understand from taking to a local resident that they don’t  use this area as they have to pay for it.

The car park and all its spaces are crucial to the safety of the children and in my opinion needs to be extended. To park on the main A274 Sutton Road and try and get the children out and across the road safely would be treacherous. This is a primary school with children as young as five that may have to exit a vehicle on this road and in my opinion is a tragedy waiting to happen.

You must have already undertaken a risk assessment to this affect, or have you not considered the consequences of reducing the car park facilities. If you have I would like to see a copy of the assessment.

The car park needs to have the chained area removed and made fit for purpose, so that the all community can use it.

 I understand that you wish to prevent large vehicles entering the car park and preventing vehicles parked there for prolonged periods, but this scheme is completely ridiculous.

This is Maidstone Council penny pinching, which could end with a fatality. The Council needs to talk to users of the car park and perhaps meet the needs of all rather than the few.


No Response




Thank you for your correspondence received in relation to the above proposed parking restrictions.


Your comments have been recorded and will be considered as part of the traffic regulation process and I will endeavour to clarify some of the points you have raised.


The Parish Council requested the restriction to deter long stay parking and therefore a 07:15 -08:15 hour parking ban has been put forward,  we are therefore conducting a consultation on this proposal, however  I regret we are unable to reply to each individual comment received, nevertheless once all replies have been collated a report will be presented to the Parish Council for them to consider, the Parish will provide their comments on the proposals, and a report may then be subsequently submitted to the Strategic Planning Sustainability and Transport Committee, who will make a final decision on the proposal.

The Parish Council will authorise permits for the Permit Holders sections and undertake an annual review of allocation. Any changes to the allocation will be authorised by them. The Council may limit the number of permits issued to reflect the limited number of spaces, the area designated for Permit Holders is as per the attached map, however there are no plans to implement parking charges for non-residents.


Please be advised if children are attending the breakfast club, you are permitted on the school grounds.  However, if you are dropping off children they are only permitted to enter the school between 08:45 and 08:55.  The proposed parking restriction is only for 1 hour between the hours of 07:15 and 08:15.


Thank you once again for taking the time to record your comments and I look forward to being able to update you on the progress of the proposed parking order in the near future.


Further to your correspondence received in the course of the consultation in

relation to the above proposal.

During the consolation period we received a number of letters raising

Objection and as a result of the views expressed and concerns raised a

Parish Meeting was held on 4th September 2017 and at the meeting it was

resolved to amend the Closed Period from The Proposed 07.15- 08.15 to

06.15 to 07.15,

The proposed Permit Holders section of the Car Park Car park was also

subsequently resurfaced and lined with numbered bays that can be allocated.

Therefore I respectfully request that you consider withdrawing your objection which would enable us to continue with the proposal and if you are agreeable to withdrawing your objection this must be in writing, or if you wish to discuss the matter further please do not hesitate in contacting me.

I apologise for any inconvenience caused and I would like to thank you for your comments.


Mr M Richards




2 North Street, Sutton Valance ME17 3HS.

Received your letter regarding off road parking at Sutton Valence Village Hall.

I would like to purchase a parking permit for £120.

My address is 2 North Street, Sutton Valance ME17 3HS.

Thank you for your correspondence regarding Sutton Valance village hall car park.


Please be advised at present this is only a proposal going forward.


Once we have received all correspondence from residents we will collate the information and send a further response advising.


Sarah Shersby



4 North Street.

Sutton Valence.

I am concerned this will cause disruption on the A274 because some resident will park on the road.

Minimum consultation from .MBC and the Parish council, not allowing meaningful discussion and compromise to be met, just stubbornness of the Chairman of the Parish Council refusing to reduce the cost from £150 per annum to £100 per annum, which was what the residents would have been happy to pay before this parking order.

It is seen as victimisation of specific parishioners who have Been ALLOWED to park in the village hall car park, thus earning an easement? (Myself for 25 years) This is seen not just to resolve a problem but for the parish council to increase revenue and, despite the residents already paying tax, they will have to pay more than the other parishioners.

Are the residents in the centre of the village, Chart Road and tumblers hill having a parking order enforced upon them? Their parking causes me access problems, hardly seems fair.

None the less, I will accept a space at £120 per annum, however, my concerns are:

1. Safety, I live at 4 North Street, quite a dark walk in the winter and late at night, especially when groups of youths are congregating in the car park. I will hold the council, MBC and The Parish Council responsible for any frightening occasions when walking from my parked car to my home, quite a long walk for a female who lives alone. I have had issues in the past having had to call the police and seek help from MBC.

2. Overnight Visitors of residents. Where should they park? On the A274?

3. Securing my space to prevent others using it?

4. Some Visitors to the school's AstroTurf, athletics track and The Nursing home all use the car park. Will this still be allowed is it just the residents opposite that have to pay?

Thank you for your message and news regarding the reduction in charges and time.

However, not all my objections have been addressed or answered so I respectfully feel I have no alternative other than to uphold and maintain my objections which are:

1. Safety, I live at 4 North Street, quite a dark walk in the winter and late at night, especially when groups of youths are congregating in the car park. I will hold the council, MBC and The Parish Council responsible for any frightening occasions when walking from my parked car to my home, quite a long walk for a female who lives alone. I have had issues in the past having had to call the police and seek help from MBC.

2. Overnight Visitors of residents. Where should they park? On the A274?

3. Securing my space to prevent others using it?

4. Some Visitors to the school's AstroTurf, athletics track and The Nursing home all use the car park. Will this still be allowed is it just the residents opposite that have to pay?




Thank you for your correspondence received in relation to the above proposed parking restrictions.

Your comments have been recorded and will be considered as part of the traffic regulation process and I will endeavour to clarify some of the parts you have raised.


The Parish Council requested the restriction to deter long stay parking and therefore a 07.15 -08.15 hour parking ban has been put forward, we are therefore conducted consultation on this proposal, however I regret we are unable to reply to each individual comment received, nevertheless once all replies have been collated a report will be presented to the Parish Council for them to consider, the Parish will provide their comments on the proposals, and a report may then be subsequently submitted to the Strategic Planning Sustainability and Transport Committee, who will make a final decision on the proposal.


Thank you once again for taking the time to record your comments and I look forward to being able to update you on the progress of the proposed parking order in the near future.



Further to your correspondence received in the course of the consultation in relation to the above proposal.

During the consolation period we received a number of letters raising Objection and as a result of the views expressed and concerns raised a Parish Meeting was held on 4th September 2017 and at the meeting it was resolved to amend the Closed Period from;

The Proposed 07.15- 08.15 to 06.15 to 07.15, and to reduce the cost of the Permits from £120.00 to £96.00 per annum which can be paid in two half yearly instalments.

The proposed Permit Holders section of the Car park was also subsequently resurfaced and lined with numbered bays that can be allocated.

Therefore I respectfully request that you consider withdrawing your objection which would enable us to continue with the proposal and if you are agreeable to withdrawing your objection this must be in writing, or if you wish to discuss the matter further please do not hesitate in contacting me.


Thank you for your comments in response to our e-mail of 6th February.

1, Although we appreciate your concerns in relation to safety issues, unfortunately it would be very difficult for us to mitigate this, I will however pass your concerns onto the Parish who may be able to place further measures such as improved lighting.

2, I have been advised that visitor permits would be available on requests therefore allowing them to utilise the Car Park.

3, I believe that the bays will be allocated, although confirmation will need to be sought from the Parish.

4, The Permit holders only parking section is being implemented to provide Parking for the Permit Holders, the only restrictions times will be from 06.15 to 07.15 the car park will therefore be unrestricted outside of these times.



Paul Griffiths




North Street Resident

I am writing to voice my strong opposition to the proposed new parking order at the village hall car park on the following grounds;

1.            The overriding factor is that the residents who need to use the car park, as there is little other option, are being used as the fall guy for the greed and incompetence of Sutton Valence Parish Council.

2. Cost; I find the proposed cost for a Permit at £120 absolutely staggering as this is almost five times the price (£25) for residents in the central Maidstone area. On enquiry I have been told that this extortionate cost is to pay for tarmac cover over the overspill parking area. This is not for the residents to fund as we already pay the Parish Council handsomely enough via our Council Tax.

3. Practicality; The designated parking area for residents is proposed to be at the North East end, as someone who lives at the South end of the car park this proposal is completely impractical.

I have a business to run and need to load / unload my vehicle several times a day, and would be forced to park on the road under these new regulations, this would then cause gridlock with through traffic at busy times of the day. I should also point out that I live directly opposite the car park exit and therefore would nullify anyone from turning right and resulting in a lengthy detour.

4. Poor management; The parking situation at the Village Hall has escalated in the last 8-10 months, before then there was generally plenty of available spaces. This issue has arisen down to the Parish Council double (or sometimes triple) booking events, they must be aware that the more people you invite then the bigger the problem. For three days a week, and weekends, the carpark is virtually empty. A better spread of events over the week, encouraging car-sharing and more usage of the overspill area would resolve the lack of parking space.

5. The proposed introduction of a no parking period between the hours of 07:15 and 08:15 is quite ridiculous as this is a key time for dog walkers and parents for the schools. Where else are they supposed to park?

To sum up, I am not prepared to pay £120 for the dubious privilege of parking my car another 150 metres from my front door at the north east end of the car park, however, I am prepared to pay around £25 for a residents parking space at the southern end of the car park.

I hope these points will be taken into consideration when reaching your overall decision.

No Response


Thank you for your correspondence received in relation to the above proposed parking restrictions.


Your comments have been recorded and will be considered as part of the traffic regulation process and I will endeavour to clarify some of the parts you have raised.


The Parish Council requested the restriction to deter long stay parking and therefore a 07.15 -08.15 hour parking ban has been put forward, we are therefore conducted consultation on this proposal, however I regret we are unable to reply to each individual comment received, nevertheless once all replies have been collated a report will be presented to the Parish Council for them to consider, the Parish will provide their comments on the proposals, and a report may then be subsequently submitted to the Strategic Planning Sustainability and Transport Committee, who will make a final decision on the proposal.


Thank you once again for taking the time to record your comments and I look forward to being able to update you on the progress of the proposed parking order in the near future.




Further to your correspondence received in the course of the consultation in relation to the above proposal.

During the consolation period we received a number of letters raising Objection and as a result of the views expressed and concerns raised a Parish Meeting was held on 4th September 2017 and at the meeting it was resolved to amend the Closed Period from; The Proposed 07.15- 08.15 to 06.15 to 07.15, and to reduce the cost of the Permits from £120.00 to £96.00 per annum which can be paid in two half yearly instalments.

The proposed Permit Holders section of the Car park was also subsequently resurfaced and lined with numbered bays that can be allocated.

Therefore I respectfully request that you consider withdrawing your objection which would enable us to continue with the proposal and if you are agreeable to withdrawing your objection this must be in writing, or if you wish to discuss the matter further please do not hesitate in contacting me.