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Overview and Scrutiny Committee Recommended Action and Implementation Plan (SCRAIP)
The following recommended actions have arisen from the review into Safety in the Town Centre. This SCRAIP provides comments on the recommendations from the relevant Lead Officer/s such as its feasibility and possible method and timeline for implementation.
The recommendations arising from the Safety in the Town Centre Review were thematically grouped in being presented to the Cabinet (then Executive) at the April 2023 meeting. The intended outcomes for each theme can be found at the end of the document.
Review Title: Safety in the Town Centre |
Recommendation & Intended Outcomes |
Relevant Cabinet Member
Financial impacts (‘None’ or explanation provided as applicable) |
Officer Response/s |
Lead Officer/s |
To continue regular meetings with the Kent Police Press Office
See Greater Communications theme below.
Cabinet Member for Housing and Health |
None |
The Town Centre Task Force meet monthly, and the partnership Communications Plan is discussed as a standard agenda item. This provides partners, including Kent Police, the opportunity to identify opportunities to publicise work in the Town Centre proactively. The MBC Communications team have a good relationship with both Kent Police and One Maidstone enabling a timely joint response to Town Centre matters as necessary.
Community and Strategic Partnerships Manager |
To organise an Annual Community Safety Partnership Event, with all partners in attendance.
See Greater Communications theme below.
Cabinet Member for Housing and Health |
Explanation provided as applicable |
The Safer Maidstone Partnership facilitates an annual event where partners are asked to consider the data collated in the Strategic Assessment and to contribute towards the development of action plans and areas of focus for the partnership.
A public facing conference has been considered, however it was felt that it would be more impactful to deliver events focussed on more specific areas of Community Safety, such as Violence Against Women and Girls and Youth Safety. Events of this nature have been hosted; publicising of these events can be improved and will be a focus for future events. These will be complemented by regular “pop-up” public engagement events, such as Walk and Talks, which are undertaken by the Town Centre Task Force and focus on contemporary high priority themes, including Safety of Women and Girls, Pride and Knife Crime.
Community and Strategic Partnerships Manager |
To circulate the Communications Team’s updated ‘Communications Plan’ to Members, to outline all elements of the communications works.
See Greater Communications theme below.
Cabinet Member for Housing and Health |
The Community Protection and Safer Streets Communications Plans are regularly updated and are shared with the Lead Cabinet Member for Housing and Health. |
Communications Manager |
To include information on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s review within the next iteration of the Borough Insight Magazine.
See Greater Communications theme below.
Cabinet Member for Housing and Health |
A reference to the review of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s review will be included in the next edition of the MBC Borough Insight Magazine which is due to be published in October 2023.
Communications Manager |
That Kent Police be requested to: a. Promote the muti-agency work of the Town Centre Task Force; and
b. Publicise their community engagement plans, to allow the Council to align its communications actions to this.
See Greater Communications theme below. |
Cabinet Member for Housing and Health |
a) This recommendation was discussed with the District Commander and the Community Safety Unit Inspector at the Safer Maidstone Partnership Executive Group. To improve awareness of policing and specifically the work in the town task force area, the Town Centre officers promoting the take up of their two-way engagement tool, My Community Voice (MCV) by residents and businesses. MCV enables Kent Police to update users with news, alerts, appeals, engagement events and general policing activities. In Maidstone this has also included updates for collaborative work.
Members of the public can choose what information they receive and how they receive it – whether that’s by email, text or voice mail. They can also share or reply to the messages they receive, enabling improved two-way communication, information sharing and problem-solving opportunities for the force. Throughout June there will be an increase in promoting the use of MCV to businesses, with officers distributing information directly into businesses, as well as promotion through both MBC and One Maidstone social media.
All elected members are encouraged to promote the use of My Community Voice in their areas and through their surgeries and newsletters as appropriate.
The Communications team will promote ‘My Community Voice’ through the MBC Stay Connected ‘Safe Clean and Green’ newsletter.
Community and Strategic Partnerships Manager
That the British Transport Police and Southeastern Railways be reminded that the displacement of anti-social behaviour from the town centre to wider areas would be better managed if train tickets were checked on a regular basis.
See Greater Communications theme below.
Cabinet Member for Housing and Health |
Links with South-eastern Railway are being developed with new Service Level Agreements are in place for information sharing. Maidstone’s stations are not seen as high priorities, it is therefore unlikely that barriers will be implemented as they would need to be staffed.
The work of the District Contextual Safeguarding Meeting has identified groups using the rail network and work has been undertaken with police, partners and BTP to challenge them. With levels of ASB now falling in the Town Centre, work will continue with an intelligence led approach.
The Violence Reduction Unit have funded the Switch Youth Café to undertake joint operations with BTP and their Outreach Workers, providing a presence on the trains across the network, to specifically engage with young people.
BTP have a relatively new Community Safety App and a link will be included in Cluster Contact Sheets when they are updated in June/July. The app is available here. |
To encourage all Members to sign up to the ‘My Community Voice’ facility provided by Kent Police.
See Member Engagement theme below. |
Cabinet Member for Housing and Health |
Details of My Community Voice are included and promoted through Ward Cluster meetings and included on the Cluster Contact sheet and can be shared with the wider community.
To encourage all Members to sign up the ‘Stay Connected’ online newsletters produced by the Council.
See Member Engagement theme below.
Cabinet Member for Communities, Leisure and Arts |
The Communications Team regularly email all MBC councillors including sending them all of the MBC press releases which include information regarding the ‘Stay Connected’ newsletters and provides an electronic link for people to use in order to sign-up.
In addition, we promote the Stay Connected service via social media and Cabinet Members are actively encouraging their colleagues to sign-up to the service.
Communications Manager |
To provide Members with the contact details for the various reporting mechanisms outlined in cluster contact sheets.
See Member Engagement theme below.
Cabinet Member for Housing and Health |
Contact sheets are being updated to reflect the new Sergeants and Beat Officers for Members’ use only. The following information is also included for residents. These will be updated to include BTP’s App too.
Information for residents
MBC and Kent police build processes that support residents. It’s important that they use the following to ensure issues are recorded and safeguarding issues can be monitored.
Police matters:
My Community Voice (MCV) is a two-way engagement tool set up by Kent Police for residents, businesses and community groups in Kent and Medway. MCV will enable Kent Police to update users with news, alerts, appeals, engagement events and general policing activities. Members of the public can choose what information they receive from us and how they receive it – whether that’s by email, text or voice mail. They can also share or reply to the messages they receive, enabling improved two-way communication, information sharing and problem-solving opportunities for the force. Residents should be encouraged to report all crimes and ASB to the police. The easiest way to do this is by calling 101 or online If an emergency 999. Residents can also report anonymously via or 0800 555 111.
Also for young people is a site where young people can access non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality. It also allows them to report anonymously issues or concerns.
Nuisance and community issues: Report via or here
Head of Housing and Regulatory Services |
To facilitate a Member representative engaging with the Youth Forum.
See Member Engagement theme below. |
Cabinet Member for Housing and Health/Communities, Leisure and Arts |
The Maidstone Youth Forum has been established and operating for nearly a year and is growing in momentum. They have been approached, via the KCC Youth Hub Delivery Manager, regarding whether they would welcome the opportunity to speak to an elected member from Maidstone. This will be raised at their next forum, and we await their response. |
Community and Strategic Partnerships Manager |
To provide Members and Officers with Bystander Training.
See Member Engagement theme below.
Cabinet Member for Housing and Health |
Opportunities to provide training to relevant officers and Members will be sought throughout the Municipal year. This could include invitations to sessions hosted for business and community groups as appropriate. The following leaflet will be distributed shortly to businesses to generate interest as part of the Safer Streets initiative.
Community and Strategic Partnerships Manager |
To encourage continued engagement from Members with Council activities, such as Member Briefings.
See Member Engagement theme below.
Cabinet Member for Housing and Health/ Communities, Leisure and Arts |
Officers welcome this suggestion, to ensure members benefit from the inputs to improve their awareness and understanding of a range of community safety matters. |
Community and Strategic Partnerships Manager |
To circulate the information provided to Town Centre Ward Members at the Town Centre Street Scene Meetings relating to safety in the town centre, to Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee acting as the Crime and Disorder Committee.
See Member Engagement theme below.
Cabinet Member for Housing and Health |
The Street Scene Group is overseen by Our Environment and Public Realm team.
**** We are discussing with the team how this information is best shared and will update the response when we have the recommendation from the team *** |
Head of Environment and Public Realm |
That the questions contained within the annual survey on town centre safety be reviewed, to ensure that the questions contained be used to conduct a benchmarking exercise for future measurement.
See Future Actions theme below.
Cabinet Member for Housing and Health |
We do not undertake an annual survey in the Town Centre. When relevant surveys are undertaken, such as the consultation on the Town Centre Public Space Protection Order and the Residents’ Surveys, questions relating to Town Centre Safety and perceptions of crime are kept consistent for this very purpose. |
Community and Strategic Partnerships Manager and Head of Housing and Regulatory Services. |
That a Member be appointed as a rapporteur to conduct a post-review evaluation.
See Future Actions theme below.
Cabinet Member for Housing and Health |
Democratic Services will oversee the relevant appointment at the appropriate time. |
Greater Communications Theme
Overall Outcome: To enable the production of a greater number of positive communications on town centre safety.
The Committee felt that there should be greater communications to publicise the actions taken to improve safety in the town centre, in part as negative press could be inaccurate and often attracted greater public attention than positive communications.
Specific references were made to the below aspects throughout the review in outlining the topics that Council communications should be covering:
· The achievements of the Town Centre Task Force
· Partnership working
· Successful interventions
· Provision of Youth Services
· Contact details for partner organisations and council services, such as Domestic Abuse Support
Member Engagement Theme
Overall Outcome: To provide improved support to Members.
During the review, the Committee and external attendees highlighted the role of Elected Members in reporting incidents of criminal activity, supporting the services provided and engaging with young people, and raising the work undertaken with their respective political groups.
Future Actions Theme
Overall Outcome: Ensure effective monitoring of any actions agreed and ensure that public feedback is considered.
In formulating its recommendations, the Committee highlighted the feedback they had received from residents on reporting safety concerns and the importance of ensuring that further information and feedback was provided on the matter following the review.