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Decision details

Report of the Director of Change and Environmental Services - Best Value Review of Waste and Recycling

Decision Maker: Cabinet.

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider the options to develop the waste and recycling service following a best value review.



1.  That there are no further options or areas of analysis to be considered;


2.  That the proposals for service delivery as set out in Option 1 of the report of the Director of Change and Environmental Services be explored, which includes the following:


  i.  A Council Waste and Recycling Strategy is produced;

  ii.  A fairer distribution of the recycling credits within Kent is sought;

  iii.  Given the high levels of waste generated and the current service cost an alternate weekly waste collection is considered;

  iv.  A separate food waste collection is investigated;

  v.  Bring sites and the facilities for the recycling of plastics and glass are expanded;

  vi.  Expressions of interest are sought from the private and voluntary sector to develop a programme to reuse materials;

  vii.  Greater home composting is encouraged with the green waste service;

  viii.  Better use is made of technology to enable residents to access information and services and improve reporting;

  ix.  As part of a renewed bulky service the freighter service is withdrawn  across the borough;

  x.  Facilities are promoted more extensively and plans for an additional household waste recycling centre are pursued with the County Council;

  xi.  Options for the collection ofcommercial waste are investigated further; and

  xii.  Robust monitoring arrangements are established with a greater focus on the outcomes achieved.


3.  That the range of smaller recommendations set out under each stream of the review be agreed.  These include:


·  That the Council signs up to the national waste and recycling commitment;

·  That the Council considers further steps that can be taken to prevent waste generation and the top priorities in the waste hierarchy;

·  To increase the information available to residents on the alternative Household Waste and Recycling Centres in neighbouring boroughs;

·  To look at the opportunity to work with a furniture reuse company to deal with bulky waste; and

·  To monitor the development of alternative fuels and explore the opportunities for trialling alternative.


4.  That an Implementation Plan is prepared for consideration by Cabinet in January 2010.



Reasons for the decision:

The new dry recyclable scheme has been well received; however, the waste and recycling service will need further significant change if the Council is to meet future national targets. This includes embracing technology, streamlining customer services, expanding and developing partnerships and looking at more innovative working practices. There has not been a clear strategy for the borough in the past and the objectives for the service need to be clarified.


Where the service is working in partnership, these are generally successful but partnerships are not fully developed.  This is an area the service should focus on, as nationally waste and recycling services are now being delivered in this way.


External validation and assessment by Waste Consulting and the Environment and Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Committee has highlighted some of the key areas where the service can look to further improve in advance of the next tender which will need to be prepared by 2012. 


Resident feedback suggests there is support for further change but the Council needs to ensure that this will offer value for money for taxpayers. The review recommends that the Council adopts a strategic direction based on the waste hierarchy that encourages higher waste minimisation, which would ultimately positively impact upon the environment the cost of the service to the Council and customer satisfaction.



Alternative options considered:

Three packages of options have been set out. Cabinet could choose an alternative package to that which has been recommended, or alternatively Cabinet could choose their own package of recommendations from those that have been provided.  However, the recommended package has been developed and recommended because officers believe it provides the best balance for the Council in terms of delivering a cost effective service, maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction, encouraging greater reduce and reuse of materials and helping to reduce CO2 emissions in the borough.


Reason Key: Significant Impact on two or more wards;

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Other Information: None

Details of the Committee: Best Value Review Scoping Paper The Kent Price Book The National Waste and Recycling Strategy The Kent Joint Municipal Waste and Recycling Strategy

Representations should be made by: 30 October 2009

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Postal questionnaire, email and discussion


Various residents and key stakeholders

Contact: Anna Collier, Head of Insight, Communitites & Governance Policies, Communities and Engagement Email:

Report author: Anna Collier

Publication date: 16/11/2009

Date of decision: 11/11/2009

Decided: 11/11/2009 - Cabinet.

Effective from: 24/11/2009

Accompanying Documents: