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Decision details

Best Value Review of Waste and Recycling Implementation Plan

Decision Maker: Cabinet.

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider agreeing the Implementation Plan for the Best Value Review of the Waste and Recycling service following the Options report which was agreed by Cabinet in November 2009.




1.  That the Implementation Plan, attached as Appendix A to the report of the Director of Change and Environmental Services, which sets out the actions and time frame for each of the options and recommendations from the Best Value Review of Waste and Recycling which was agreed in November 2009, be agreed.


2.  That the progress against the Implementation Plan be reported back to the Cabinet Member every six months be agreed.


3.  That the recommendations from the Environment and Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Committee be noted.

Reasons for the decision:

In May 2009 Cabinet agreed the scope of a Best Value review of waste and recycling, an Options Report relating to the future of the waste and recycling service was then considered by Cabinet in November 2009. 


The options paper was extensive, providing research and supporting evidence within the following areas:-


·  The waste and recycling strategy;

·  Collection arrangements ;

·  Disposal;

·  Public views;

·  Partnerships; and

·  Performance and Value for Money.


The Implementation Plan at Appendix A to the report of the Director of Change and Environmental Services sets out the actions required to deliver both the major options and minor recommendations that were made following the review.


The Plan shows the officers responsible, when the action will be undertaken, any financial implications and how the action will be monitored.


The Plan covers three years and progress will be reported back every six months to the Cabinet Member for the Environment.


There have been two major developments since the publication of the Best Value Review relating to the collection of paper and the food waste trial.  Details of these developments are set out in this report and actions relating to these are set out in the Implementation Plan.


Paper Collections


Contact was made by Aylesford Newsprint with a view to the Council re-establishing quality newspaper collections which would be delivered directly to the company.  Changes in the paper market have increased demand and the company is keen to establish long-term relationships with adjacent local authorities.


Such a proposal could have considerable advantage to the Council, in that it could generate additional income which would help to reduce the net cost of the waste collection service and potentially develop the service to be more efficient in the longer term.


With a view to establishing a specialised collection early in the next financial year discussions are ongoing with the paper company, the Council’s contractors and Kent County Council with consideration also given to procurement and value for money.  Consultation will also be undertaken with partners and other paper collection groups before this is progressed.


The Council did previously have a paper collection service and this was withdrawn as a part of the agreement to send all the borough recyclable waste to Allington. However, this was also linked to the Council receiving recycling credits to cover the loss of the paper income. Whilst there has been some allowance the County Council has indicated the funding to reflect the arrangements with Allington will not be provided in the future.


By sending the paper direct to Aylesford Print the Council is also improving the range of uses by separating out paper at an earlier stage. Any paper that is currently collected at Allington is more highly contaminated and therefore the value and options for reuse are limited.


Food Waste Scheme 


Since the previous report to Cabinet it has been confirmed that the Council has been successful in the bids for national and regional funding for a food waste scheme.


One the key issues in the review was whether the Council should consider an alternate weekly waste collection service. The financial savings would equate to around £400,000 per annum if residual waste was collected one week and recycling the following week.  However, this would need to be considered in relation to what would happen to food waste, high waste levels generally, public views and discussions with the current waste contractor.


Whilst round half of the respondents to the survey said their residual bin was half full or less on a weekly basis there were still some questions in relation to food waste.


In the Implementation Plan it is recommended that a food waste scheme begins in the autumn of 2010 for around 7,000 to 10,000 homes. This would involve food waste being collected on a weekly basis from households with the recycling bin one week and then the non-recycling bin the next and so on. Green waste would continue to be collected on the current cycle.


This will enable the Council to further assess future waste collection options in the run up to a new waste contract in 2013 and is also likely to improve levels of recycling to around 50 per cent in the food scheme area. 


The food waste itself will be taken to Blaise Farm where the waste can be treated and then be recycled.


Alternative options considered:

The proposed actions set out in the Implementation Plan are based upon the options and recommendations agreed by Cabinet.  Other actions could be considered or different timescales agreed. However, the overall objectives are to both improve the standard of the service and value for money for local taxpayers.


The attached Plan has been developed to ensure that the programme of change is sustainable and can be delivered with the resources that are available.


New methods of collection and disposal are emerging and given there are likely to be further changes the Council could wait for further guidance at a national and local level. However, there are changes that can be made now to improve the service and by reporting back on progress on a six monthly basis any external factors can also be considered.



Reason Key: Service Development/Reduction;

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Other Information: None

Details of the Committee: Best Value Review Scoping report May 2009 Best Value Review Options report November 2009

Representations should be made by: 19 January 2010

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Consultation will be undertaken with Key officers through a series of meetings

Contact: Anna Collier, Head of Insight, Communitites & Governance Policies, Communities and Engagement Email:

Report author: Anna Collier

Publication date: 10/02/2010

Date of decision: 10/02/2010

Decided: 10/02/2010 - Cabinet.

Effective from: 18/02/2010

Accompanying Documents: