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Decision details

Core Strategy: Setting of the Gypsy & Traveller Pitch Target

Decision Maker: Cabinet.

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To decide the Core Strategy numerical target for Gypsy and Traveller pitches for the period 2006-2016.


That a Gypsy and Traveller target of 71 pitches for the period 2006 to 2016 be included in the draft Core Strategy.


Reasons for the decision:

The Core Strategy will set the target for the number of Gypsy and Traveller pitches to be provided in the borough.  At its meeting on 15th September 2010, Cabinet agreed that the target should be set for the 10 year period 2006 to 2016.  Cabinet also endorsed a methodological approach to setting the target.


It was suggested that the methodology be reviewed by an external party before the final decision on the target is made. This is because there is no common practice or guidance as yet on how such targets should be set.


The review has now been completed and the points raised are summarised and responded to in the table in Appendix 1 of the report of the Head of Spatial Planning.  As a result of that consideration, it was recommended that one adjustment to the need assessment be made.   




The needs table from the 15th September Cabinet report is reproduced as Table 1 below showing the proposed adjustment.


The external reviewer makes the general point that it is necessary to have a stable base date that is contemporary with the rest of the data to make sense of the pitch need/supply balance. This key date is April 2006 which is the base date of the Core Strategy and the starting point for the Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA).  The allowance at line 6 is required because the GTAA did not take account of sites which had temporary consents at the time of the survey which would lapse and generate a need at a future point.


The number of mobiles that had temporary consent at the base date is 10.  The figure of 34 used previously includes the mobiles that have been granted temporary consent since the GTAA.  On reflection, it is considered that the figure of 10 accords with using a consistent base date for the calculation of need, avoids a risk of double counting with the unauthorised sites already accounted for in the GTAA and ensures that a stable pitch target for the 10 year period can be set.


Table1: local needs summary



Cabinet 15th Sept


Needs 2006 – 2011 (pitches)

1.  GTAA (gross need)


no change

2.  Minus allowance for pitch sharing by newly forming households


no change

3.  Allowance for needs arising from ‘bricks and mortar’


no change

4.  Allowance for unauthorised pitches post-GTAA


no change

Needs 2011 – 2016 (pitches)

5.  Household growth (incl. allowance for pitch sharing)


no change

6.  Expiration of temporary consents



Gross local need




In conclusion, and informed by the external review, it was recommended that the draft Core Strategy target pitch requirement be set at 71 pitches for the period 2006 to 2016.




Table 2 below is reproduced from the 15th September Cabinet report, updated with the permanent consents granted in the meantime.  As for conventional housing, the supply of additional permanent pitches in the borough will be monitored over the timeframe of the Core Strategy to measure progress against the confirmed target. This includes monitoring whether the estimate for future public pitch supply (line 10) comes forward as anticipated.


Table 2: identified supply summary @ 24th January 2011.



Cabinet 15th Sept


Identified supply  2006 – 2016 (pitches)



7.  Non-personal permanent consents granted to date



8.  Personal permanent consents granted to date



9.  Achieved pitch vacancies on MBC sites (2006 to date)


no change

10.Estimate of MBC pitch vacancy (2011 – 16)


no change

11.Vacant private pitches


no change

Identified supply




Next Steps


The pitch target will be included in policy for Gypsies and Traveller accommodation in the draft Core Strategy which itself will be presented to a forthcoming Cabinet meeting. A numerical target for the 2016-2026 period will need to be set in a future Local Development Document, informed by a new GTAA or equivalent. 


As previously advised, the timing of Gypsy site allocations in a DPD is now contingent on the target being confirmed in the Core Strategy as it will govern how many, if any, sites need to be allocated.  Members will consider an updated LDF timetable, specifying the constituent DPDs, at a forthcoming meeting.

Alternative options considered:

The Cabinet could decide not to set a target for Gypsies and Travellers in the Core Strategy, or to defer setting a target.  In response, the CLG letter of 6th July gives the clear expectation that authorities will set local targets.


Furthermore, Gypsy site provision is a significant local issue in the borough and, as such, a clear statement of the Council’s assessment of a reasonable scale of pitch provision, and to subject this to public consultation, will provide greater clarity than the status quo.


Reason Key: Significant Impact on two or more wards;

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Details of the Committee: West Kent Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (2005/6) Circular 01/06 ‘Planning for Gypsy and Traveller Caravan Sites’

Representations should be made by: 21st January

Contact: Michael Thornton, Head of Spatial Planning Email:

Report author: Michael Thornton

Publication date: 11/02/2011

Date of decision: 09/02/2011

Decided: 09/02/2011 - Cabinet.

Effective from: 19/02/2011

Accompanying Documents: