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Decision details

Budget Strategy 2010/11 Onwards

Decision Maker: Cabinet.

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To review the initial Budget Strategy agreed in July 2009, in the context of the changing economic climate, with a view to consulting Overview and Scrutiny Committee, in accordance with the constitution, on the updated strategy prior to submitting proposals to Council in March 2010.






1.  That a provisional spending level based upon the revised strategic projection set out in Appendix B of the report of Management Team, incorporating the revisions to growth items as identified in Appendix A of the report of Management Team and the savings as identified in Appendix C of the report of Management Team be agreed;


2.  That updates, as soon as available, on progress to achieving the savings targets from staffing as outlined in the report of Management Team be requested;


3.  That the updated Capital Programme detailed in Appendix D of the report of Management Team, along with the budget set out therein for 2012/13, be agreed;


4.  That the outcome of the budget consultation exercise set out in section 1.11 and Appendix G of the report of Management Team be noted and Cabinet’s gratitude be expressed to all those who participated;


5.  That the updated medium term financial strategy as set out in Appendix H of the report of Management Team and its stronger connection to the strategic plan be agreed;


6.  That a continued Council Tax strategy which is materially within the Government’s Council Tax capping strategy as outlined in the report of the report of Management Team be agreed;


7.  That the Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny committee be consulted on the budget strategy based on the above decisions.


Reason Key: Significant Impact on two or more wards;

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Details of the Committee: Notification from DCLG on Revenue Grant Settlement 2010/11.

Representations should be made by: Internal - by internal communication by 28 November External - options as agreed by Cabinet in August 2009

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Internal – Management Team and Senior Management

External – Options as agreed by Cabinet in August 2009

Contact: Email:

Report author: Paul Riley

Publication date: 16/12/2009

Date of decision: 16/12/2009

Decided: 16/12/2009 - Cabinet.

Effective from: 24/12/2009

Accompanying Documents: