Committee considered the report and the urgent update report of the
Head of Planning and Development.
Chairman read out statements on behalf of Ms Goodhew, an objector,
and Mr Cox, the applicant.
RESOLVED: That consideration of this
application be deferred to:
Negotiate the use of ragstone only for the exterior walls of the
whole building;
Add a
landscaping condition to secure native species hedgerow planting
along the rear and side back garden boundaries;
Add a
condition relating to external lighting given the proximity of Mote
Park; and
the wording of condition 11 (Biodiversity Enhancements) to remove
reference to native species planting and to require integral niches
for wildlife (bird, bat and bee bricks) and gaps under fences to
allow the movement of wildlife.
Voting: 12 –
For 0
– Against 0 –