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Issue - meetings
Maidstone House - Next Steps
Meeting: 23/03/2022 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 222)
222 Maidstone House - Next Steps PDF 173 KB
The Director of Finance and Business Improvement introduced the report which set out the management approach for Maidstone House and requested approval for investment in the property consistent with the business case that supported the decision to purchase the building.
There were objectives that it was proposed the Council pursue in the medium to long term. The first was to build on Maidstone House as a public sector hub, to enable relationships to be built with other public sector organisations. The second objective was to build on success of the Business Terrace, which had already been successful in promoting businesses.
The report put forward recommendations to support these ambitions in the short term with funding requested for improvements to the reception, including better signage, and to refurbish the lifts. £500k was requested in total.
The Committee welcomed the investment, recognising the need for the works and to proceed with them now. They also requested that the Director of Finance and Business Improvement look at a means of involving Members more directly in the bigger picture elements of the building, perhaps through some form of Member sounding board.
1. The management approach for Maidstone House as set out in the report be approved;
2. Authority be delegated to the Director of Finance and Business Improvement, in consultation with the Chair of Policy and Resources Committee, to release capital programme funding for the projects set out in paragraphs 2.19 and 2.23 of the report, up to an overall limit of £0.5 million;
3. Authority be delegated to the Director of Finance and Business Improvement to undertake a procurement process and award such contracts for delivery of the works in accordance with financial procedure rules and applicable public contracts regulations and principles; and
4. The Head of Mid Kent Legal Services be authorised to complete the necessary contract documentation and agreements associated with the works.