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Issue - meetings

Amendment to the Constitution

Meeting: 21/06/2023 - Democracy and General Purposes Committee (Item 20)

20 Amendment to the Constitution pdf icon PDF 162 KB

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The Director of Strategy, Insight & Governance outlined the report and highlighted the recommended change to introduce a requirement that a motion on notice signed by at least two members would be required to bring a motion for the removal of the Leader of the Council to the Council.


In response to questions the Director of Strategy, Insight & Governance stated that two members was the same number of members as required by previous versions of the constitution.




1. Council be recommended to approve the amendment to part A2, 7.2 The Leader as set out in Option 1 of this report; and


2. The use of the Monitoring Officer’s delegation to amend the Constitution attached at Appendix 1 to the report be noted.