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Fees and Charges 2024/25 PIED PAC

Meeting: 07/12/2023 - Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Policy Advisory Committee (Item 93)

93 Fees and Charges 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 182 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development introduced the report, highlighting the urgent update provided which clarified that a fee increase had been wrongly attributed to Sandling Road Car Park and updated development control fees as these had not been set when the report was published. 

The Cabinet Member stated that the proposed fees and charges would increase income relating to the Committee’s remit by £250,000, representing a 4.6% increase in budget figures. There were currently no changes proposed to any car parking charges, as these were set at a level reflecting demand and intended to attract visitors to the town centre. Building Control and planning fees had increased in accordance with central government changes, with the latter increasing by 35% for major applications and 25% for all others.


In response to questions, the Cabinet Member stated that he was happy with the planning re-application fee set, with the pre-application increase due to the fee not having been increased in previous years. It was stated that the increase to some of the planning fees arose from being re-grouped into new charging groups, as opposed to increased fees.




1.  The contents of the report, be noted;

2.  The Fees & Charges policy, as detailed in Appendix B to the report, be noted; and

3.  The Cabinet be recommended to approve the Fees & Charges as detailed in Appendix A to the report.