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Issue - meetings

Items withdrawn from the Agenda

Meeting: 27/06/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 63)

Items withdrawn from the Agenda


23/505330/TPOA - Tree Preservation Order Application : T5 Ash, thin crown by 15%, reduce crown from property and clean out crown W10m to 7m. T6 Lime, thin crown by 15%, reduce crown from property and clean out crown W10m to 7m. T8 Prunus, thin crown by 15%, reduce crown from property and clean out crown W5.5m to 3m. All works are to allow light into property and maintenance purposes - 13 Brockman Place, Church Street, Maidstone, Kent


The Head of Development Management sought the Committee’s agreement to the withdrawal of application 23/505330/TPOA from the agenda.  He explained that it had become apparent that a number of residents adjoining the appliction site had not been formally consulted when the application was made valid.  It was therefore recommended that the application be withdrawn from the agenda to enable these residents to be consulted and given the opportunity to make representations.


RESOLVED:  That agreement be given to the withdrawal of application 23/505330/TPOA from the agenda.


Meeting: 20/06/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 32)

Items withdrawn from the Agenda


There were none.