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Infrastructure Delivery Plan Progress

Meeting: 21/02/2011 - Joint Local Development Document Advisory Group and Leisure & Prosperity Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 10)

10 Infrastructure Delivery Plan Progress pdf icon PDF 108 KB

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The Joint Committee considered the report of the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment regarding the progress made on the Infrastructure Delivery Plan.


Members raised concerns with regard to some of the indicative infrastructure costs received from partners, such as funding for adult social services, and sought clarification as to exactly what was included in some of the figures, e.g. costs for improvements to water and sewerage in Rural Service Centres, and when the PCT figures will be available.  Officers agreed to look at this and provide the information for Members at a later date.


Members felt it was important that a full and comprehensive risk assessment is carried out so that the infrastructure is put in place before the development is built.


Officers assured a member that, in future, when referring to green spaces it will state this includes blue infrastructure and natural and semi-natural open space and not just playing fields etc.


Members were assured that the stated amount for Further/Higher Education included funding for a University campus, in line with Members’ aspirations; and that the infrastructure was climate change proof.


RESOLVED:  That the progress made on the Infrastructure Delivery Plan be noted.