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Issue - meetings

Third Quarter Revenue & Capital Monitoring

Meeting: 08/02/2012 - Cabinet. (Item 142)

142 Third Quarter Revenue & Capital Monitoring pdf icon PDF 103 KB

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1.  That the satisfactory revenue position at the end of the third quarter 2011/12 be noted.


2.  That the slippage and re-profiling in the capital programme to 2012/13, as set out below, be agreed.


a.  Renovation Grants budget - £100,000 re-profiled into 2012/13


b.  High Street Budget - £347,840 re-profiled into 2012/13


c.  CCTV Control Room - £250,000 to be utilised to fund works needed at the Medway CCTV Control Room; £50,000 required in current financial year with the remaining £200,000 re-profiled into 2012/13.


d.  Gypsy Site Improvements - £100,000 re-profiled into 2012/13


e.  Green Spaces Strategy budget - £10,000 anticipated to slip into 2012/13


f.  Maidstone Museum – an overspend is anticipated, but resources to fund this have been identified from balances.





1.  That the satisfactory revenue position at the end of the third quarter 2011/12 be noted.


2.  That the slippage and re-profiling in the capital programme to 2012/13, as set out below, be agreed.


a.  Renovation Grants budget - £100,000 re-profiled into 2012/13


b.  High Street Budget - £347,840 re-profiled into 2012/13


c.  CCTV Control Room - £250,000 to be utilised to fund works needed at the Medway CCTV Control Room; £50,000 required in current financial year with the remaining £200,000 re-profiled into 2012/13.


d.  Gypsy Site Improvements - £100,000 re-profiled into 2012/13


e.  Green Spaces Strategy budget - £10,000 anticipated to slip into 2012/13


f.  Maidstone Museum – an overspend is anticipated, but resources to fund this have been identified from balances.


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