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Law Commission Consultation Paper on Reforming the Law of Taxi and Private Hire Services

Meeting: 21/06/2012 - Licensing Committee (old regime) (Item 12)

12 Law Commission Consultation Paper on Reforming the Law of Taxi and Private Hire Services pdf icon PDF 67 KB


The Committee considered the report of the Head of Democratic Services regarding the Law Commission Consultation Paper on Reforming the Law of Taxi and Private Hire Services.


Mr Conyan was invited to speak by the Chairman and he informed the Committee that the National Taxi Association will be responding to the consultation paper and that the feeling amongst the taxi association around the country is that the decision on hackney carriage numbers is  best left at local level.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted and that the Head of Democratic Services report back to the next meeting of the Committee with a detailed draft response to the Law Commission’s Consultation Paper on Reforming the Law of Taxi and Private Hire Services.