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Report of the Head of Housing and Community Services - CCTV Operational Protocol

Meeting: 13/08/2013 - Community, Leisure Services and Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 30)

30 CCTV Operational Protocol pdf icon PDF 69 KB

Interviews with Councillor John A Wilson, Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services, John Littlemore, Head of Housing and Community Services and Sarah Robson, Community Partnerships Manager.

Additional documents:


John Littlemore, Head of Housing and Community Services, presented the CCTV Operational Protocol report to the Committee. 


In response to questions by Members, the Head of Housing and Community Services explained that:


·  Some Parish Councils chose to retain their own CCTV cameras and those Parishes that did not, the protocol gives them the format and process to follow to request mobile CCTV;

·  The Council has a range of cameras of different ages and abilities, static means on a fixed pole – some can rotate 360 degrees and others have a more limited scope;

·  There are operational meetings that involve stakeholders and other partners.  In addition liaison takes place when incidents occur;

·  There is a rolling programme with a set yearly budget for the replacement of cameras;

·  The Council responded to the government consultation that lead to the latest code of guidance; and

·  The cameras at Maidstone Hospital are owned by the hospital but we monitor them on their behalf.


RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure be recommended to agree the Maidstone Borough Council Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Protocol 2013 – 2017 for immediate use.