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Maidstone Borough Local Plan Draft Spatial Strategy

Meeting: 27/01/2014 - Cabinet. (Item 140)

140 Maidstone Borough Local Plan Draft Spatial Strategy pdf icon PDF 215 KB


a)  That the borough’s objectively assessed housing need of 19,600 dwellings for the local plan period 2011 to 2031 as the basis for determining the housing provision for the borough be agreed;

b)  That the currently identified potential to make provision for 17,100 dwellings, subject to full consideration of proposed housing site allocations in February 2014 be noted;

c)  That the borough’s objectively assessed need of 37 hectares for office, industry and warehousing based sectors and at the Maidstone medical campus for the plan period 2011 to 2031, and the draft provisions for employment floorspace (offices 39,830m2; industry 20,290m2; warehousing 49,911m2; medical 98,000m2) be noted;

d)  That the key local issues, as amended, set out in paragraph 1.3.46 of the report of the Head of Planning and Development be noted; and

e)  That the spatial vision and objectives, as amended, set out in paragraph 1.3.48 of the report of the Head of Planning and Development be agreed, subject to the earlier decision of the Cabinet to defer the decision on Policies SP3 and SP4 which impacts on the designation of Coxheath and Yalding as Rural Service Centres and the designation of Larger Settlements.




a)  That the borough’s objectively assessed housing need of 19,600 dwellings for the local plan period 2011 to 2031 as the basis for determining the housing provision for the borough be agreed;

b)  That the currently identified potential to make provision for 17,100 dwellings, subject to full consideration of proposed housing site allocations in February 2014 be noted;

c)  That the borough’s objectively assessed need of 37 hectares for office, industry and warehousing based sectors and at the Maidstone medical campus for the plan period 2011 to 2031, and the draft provisions for employment floorspace (offices 39,830m2; industry 20,290m2; warehousing 49,911m2; medical 98,000m2) be noted;

d)  That the key local issues, as amended, set out in paragraph 1.3.46 of the report of the Head of Planning and Development be noted; and

e)  That the spatial vision and objectives, as amended, set out in paragraph 1.3.48 of the report of the Head of Planning and Development be agreed, subject to the earlier decision of the Cabinet to defer the decision on Policies SP3 and SP4 which impacts on the designation of Coxheath and Yalding as Rural Service Centres and the designation of Larger Settlements.


To view full details of this decision, please follow this link:-

Meeting: 21/01/2014 - Planning, Transport and Development Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 89)

89 Maidstone Borough Local Plan Draft Spatial Strategy pdf icon PDF 215 KB

Interview with Sue Whiteside, Team Leader, Spatial Planning


Rob Jarman, Head of Planning and Development and Sarah Anderton, Principal Planning Officer (Spatial Policy) introduced item 11:- Maidstone Borough Local Plan Draft Spatial Strategy.


Rob Jarman informed the Committee that the original housing target, which was assessed as 14,800, has been revised upwards. This is because updated demographic data, which the housing target is based on, has shown that population growth had been underestimated in demographic projections. This has led to a revised figure of 19,600 being calculated.


Sarah Anderton informed the Committee that the assessment that led to the housing target was carried out by consultants with specialist expertise; and a parallel exercise has been carried out at Ashford and Tonbridge and Malling councils using the same methodology.


Rob Jarman explained that although the figure of 19,600 has been agreed as the independently assessed housing need, the actual housing target will be 17,100. This target recognises constraints to development in the borough, including the Area of Outstanding National Beauty.


Rob Jarman warned the Committee of the danger of not accepting the independently assessed housing need. The need has been calculated using a rigorous methodology and using data sources recognised by the government. Gravesham used a different methodology and different data to calculate their figure and they were picked up on it on inspection.


The Committee were concerned that they didn’t fully understand the process of how the housing target was calculated. However equally, they didn’t have any reasons why the independently assessed need of 19,600 would be wrong.


Rob Jarman assured the committee that the assessment had been carried out using a rigorous methodology, using the government’s own statistics and the same exercise had been carried out across three borough councils simultaneously.

RESOLVED: The Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommends that Cabinet:

a)  Agrees the borough’s objectively assessed housing need of 19,600 dwellings for the local plan period 2011 to 2031 as the basis for determining the housing provision for the borough;

b)  Notes the currently identified potential to make provision for 17,100 dwellings, subject to full consideration of proposed housing site allocations in February 2014;


c)  Notes the borough’s objectively assessed need of 37 hectares for office, industry and warehousing based sectors and at the Maidstone medical campus for the plan period 2011 to 2031, and the draft provisions for employment floorspace (offices 39,830m2; industry 20,290m2; warehousing 49,911m2; medical 98,000m2);


d)  Approves the key local issues, as amended, set out in paragraph 1.3.46 of this report; and


e)  Approves the spatial vision and objectives, as amended, set out in paragraph 1.3.48 of this report.