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Treasury Management Strategy 2014/15

Meeting: 12/02/2014 - Cabinet. (Item 153)

153 Treasury Management Strategy 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 129 KB

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The Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Regeneration and Communities regarding the Treasury Management Strategy 2014/15, including the Treasury and Prudential Indicators.




1.  That the Treasury Management Strategy 2014/15 be adopted.


2.  That a review be undertaken at mid-year of the use of foreign banks for last resort, short term investments.


Meeting: 10/02/2014 - Audit Committee (Item 84)

84 Treasury Management Strategy 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 128 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Regeneration and Communities regarding the draft Treasury Management Strategy for 2014/15, including the Treasury and Prudential Indicators.


The Head of Finance and Resources explained that the recommended changes to be proposed were:-


·  Increasing the maximum duration limits with some part-nationalised groups to 2 years from 1 year;

·  Invest up to £m of ore cash for over 1 year if rates were to improve, maybe using property funds; and

·  Consider the use of core cash during 2014/15 for internal borrowing if not used for longer term investments;


Members asked questions of the Head of Finance and Resources regarding, inter alia, investing through Kent County Council, how interest is paid, rates of interest, the type of investments.


RESOLVED: That the Cabinet be recommended to agree the draft Treasury Management Strategy for 2014/15, as set out in the report of the Director for Regeneration and Communities, for submission to the Council.