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Q2 Complaints Report

Meeting: 02/12/2014 - Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 85)

85 Complaints Report Quarter 2 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 41 KB

Interview with Sam Bailey, Research and Performance Officer

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Research and Performance Officer, Sam Bailey, introduced the Parks and Leisure Manager, Jason Taylor, and the Cultural Services Manager, Laura Case, as witnesses and presented a report detailing the complaints received during the 2nd quarter. Members were advised that there had been a high overall number of complaints with 215 in total. Of the complaints received, 14 were responded to outside of the target time of ten days. In order to resolve this issue the Head of Policy and Communications had issued guidance to unit managers to ensure that complaints were closed on time and complainants were kept updated where this was not possible.


The Committee were informed that Planning Support Shared Service received 15 complaints in addition to those received by Development Management, and it was explained that as Mid Kent Planning Support Shared Service was now an individual service it would have its own category in future complaints reports. Members expressed concern at the time taken to resolve issues arising from the Planning Support Shared Service, and noted that internal Audit were finalising a report on the issues experienced within Planning Support.


Electoral Registration received seven complaints in quarter 2, five of which were in response to a technical error which led to incorrect information being provided in letters to residents regarding the new individual registration system.


Of the complaints received by Parks and Leisure, nineteen were noted as regarding The Social festival held in Mote Park on 13 September 2014. The Committee heard that Ward Members of the areas surrounding Mote Park had surveyed residents and escalated their concerns to the relevant officers. It was explained that lessons had been learned and work had been carried out to resolve future issues by developing systems of contacting residents in advance of events by email and letter, implementing additional portaloos and bins, and making surrounding areas no-parking zones with pick up and drop off points.


The Parks and Leisure Manager detailed that The Social attracted 7000 attendees. The event was professionally managed by the organisers with 3 meter high fences around the periphery, and a staffed entrance and exit used to age check visitors and monitor alcohol use. Letters had been sent to complainants to outline actions that would be taken to minimise future disruption.


The Cultural Services Manager explained that the event organisers had been efficient in their litter picking and clear up operation, working both after the event and again early the next morning. During the day-long event Mote Park received its usual number of visitors making use of the surrounding areas without disruption, including young families and dog walkers.




1.  That the quarter 2 Complaints briefing at appendix A to the report be noted.


2.  That the report of Audit regarding the Planning Support Shared Service be considered at Overview and Scrutiny Committee at the earliest opportunity.