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Application for a premise licence under LA2003 for Kent Scouts Activity Centre

Meeting: 07/10/2014 - Licensing Act 2003 Sub Committee (Item 4)

4 Report of the Head of Housing and Community Services - Application for a Premises Licence to be granted under the Licensing Act 2003, made by Kent Scouts Activity Centre, Lower Grange Farm, Grange Lane, Sandling, Maidstone, Kent ME14 3DA pdf icon PDF 123 KB

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The Chairman requested those present to introduce themselves, explained the procedures and Members confirmed that they had read all the papers.


Mrs Bolas explained that the hearing was to consider an application for a Premises Licence to be granted under the Licensing Act 2003, made by Kent Scouts Activity Centre, Lower Grange Farm, Grange Lane, Sandling, Maidstone, Kent ME14 3DA for live and recorded music to take place during the hours of 12:00 to 23:59 Monday to Sunday in the Kentish Barn.

It was noted that one representation had been received from an other person who was a neighbour, Mr. R. Shepherd.  Mr. Shepherd was not present but Members considered that there was enough evidence before them to consider for the hearing to continue.

Mr. Foulsham, the applicant, stated in his opening remarks that he had been the Centre Manager since April 2013 and that the Kent Scout Activity Centre had been hiring out the Kentish Barn for weddings and barn dances mainly at weekends during the Summer months.  However, they had been applying for Temporary Event Licences for each event and felt that it would be less expensive and time-consuming to formalise the process and apply for a Premises Licence instead.

Mrs Shepherd arrived at 10.08 a.m. and apologised for being late as she had been stuck in traffic, she asked for Members to allow her to speak as the objector.  Members agreed that Mrs Shepherd could stay and speak on her husband’s behalf as the objector.  A few minutes later Mr. Shepherd arrived and indicated that he was happy for his wife to speak on his behalf as the objector.

Mr. Foulsham repeated his evidence for the benefit of Mrs Shepherd and then continued with his opening remarks.  He confirmed that various initiatives had been introduced which included a noise limiter, which had been fitted inside the Kentish Barn, noise monitoring was carried out by a member of staff from three locations within the boundaries of the Centre and guests were asked to leave in a quiet and respectful manner.

He also advised Members that from May 2013 there had been 12 events and no complaints had been received either from neighbours or Maidstone Borough Council.


Mrs Shepherd was asked if she wanted to ask any questions of Mr. Foulsham.


Mrs Shepherd asked how the Centre inform their neighbours about any events due to be held and what precautions are put in place to restrict the noise levels.

Mr. Foulsham stated that some events at the Activity Centre are advertised on local notice boards and through the Parish Council.  He believed that prior notification of events such as weddings and barn dances were sent out to neighbours by post but this probably had not happened for a while.   


In terms of controlling the noise levels, Mr. Foulsham explained that a member of the Scouts staff is on site for the duration of the event and monitors noise levels from three locations on site at  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4