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Issue - meetings

Review of Governance Arrangements

Meeting: 10/12/2014 - Council (Item 102)

102 Report of the Group Leaders or Nominated Representatives Working Group - Review of Governance Arrangements pdf icon PDF 176 KB

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It was moved by the Mayor, seconded by Councillor Mrs Joy, and


RESOLVED:  That all of the Council Rules of Procedure (except Rules 19.5 and 20.2) be suspended for this item to enable Members to receive a presentation from the Head of Policy and Communications on the proposals of the Group Leaders or Nominated Representatives Working Group relating to a new scheme of committee governance; to allow a factual question and answer session to take place; and to facilitate a thorough discussion on this important issue.  A debate will take place on the recommendation in the report following which Members may speak on any of the alternative options listed in the report.  At the end of the debate, the recommendation or any alternative recommendation arising from discussion of the alternative options will be moved, seconded and voted upon by the Council.  Members may speak more than once during the debate.


During the debate, following the presentation and factual question and answer session, it was moved by Councillor English, seconded by Councillor Daley, that the recommendation contained in the report of the Group Leaders or Nominated Representatives Working Group be approved.


Five Members of the Council requested that a named vote be taken.  The voting was as follows:


For (26)


Councillors Chittenden, Cox, Daley, Ells, English, Fissenden, Mrs Grigg, Harper, Harwood, Mrs Joy, Long, McKay, Moriarty, B Mortimer, D Mortimer, Naghi, Paterson, Pickett, Powell, Mrs Robertson, Sams, Sargeant, B Watson, P Watson, Willis and Mrs Wilson


Against (24)


Councillors Ash, Black, Mrs Blackmore, Burton, Butler, Cuming, Garland, Mrs Gooch, Greer, Mrs Hinder, Hogg, McLoughlin, Munford, Paine, Parvin, Mrs Parvin, Mrs Ring, Ross, Round, Springett, Mrs Stockell, Thick, de Wiggondene and J.A.Wilson


Abstained (1)


Councillor Vizzard




1.  That the Council’s governance arrangements be changed from an executive to a committee system of governance pursuant to Section 9KC Local Government Act 2000, effective from the Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2015.


2.  That the scheme of governance outlined as option 1 in Appendix A to the report of the Group Leaders or Nominated Representatives Working Group and in section 3.3.4 of the report and the terms of reference as detailed in Appendix B to the report be approved.


3.  That the Head of Policy and Communications and the Monitoring Officer be authorised to publish the required notice describing the features of the new system and timescales for implementation; to work with Group Leaders to prepare a new Constitution for the Council to adopt; and to deal with any other matters arising from or in connection with the change of governance arrangements.


Note:  Councillors English and Fissenden left the meeting during consideration of this issue, but returned shortly after, and continued to participate in the discussion and voting.