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Results of the VISUM Transport Modelling

Meeting: 22/07/2015 - Maidstone Joint Transportation Board (Item 89)

89 Report of Head of Planning and Development - Results of the VISUM Transport Modelling pdf icon PDF 121 KB

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Officers from MBC and KCC provided an overview of the results of the VISUM transport modelling report.  The Board then considered a presentation from AMEY which set out three options that would form the basis of Maidstone’s Integrated Transport Strategy.  They considered Do Something 1, Do Something 2 and Do Something 3 (DS1, DS2 and DS3) and the correlation between housing targets against the three options


Councillor Mrs Ring, Visiting Member, addressed the Committee.  She advocated the need for a relief road, citing traffic issues on Willington Street and Parkwood Estate roads.  She voiced her reticence at encouraging a modal shift with elderly residents, explaining how walking and cycling presented a challenge for the aging population.


The Head of Planning and Development at MBC explained the emphasis placed on sustainable transport in National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) guidance and how this would be taken into account when transport policies were considered by an Inspector.


Affordability and funding opportunities were considered as part of the discussion, particularly in relation to key junction and road capacity improvements and the inclusion of a new relief road subject to cost/benefit analysis and an environmental impact assessment.


Consideration was given to the following during the course of the discussion:


·  A modal shift within urban areas.  This was thought to be less achievable in rural areas; and

·  The sustainability of the Park and Ride was considered in terms of the subsidy paid by the council, and conversely the option of replacement bus services that would be based on a commercial need, otherwise this too would incur a subsidy.


It was clarified that, with reference to sustainable transport and achieving a modal shift in rural areas, the focus would be on Rural Service Centres that had train stations  where cycling to the station could be encouraged, and car parks made larger at stations to allow a bus service to come in and out. This would achieve a modal shift.  It was explained that commercial opportunities for bus companies lay with services provided for school children and commuters.


A consensus was reached by the Board on the following which formed the basis of its recommendation to the appropriate bodies at MBC and KCC for the Integrated Transport Strategy:


·  The importance of adhering to the Local Plan timetable;

·  That references to ‘town centre parking charges’ be amended specifically to ‘long stay town centre parking charges’;

·  Key junction and road capacity improvements were needed;

·  The East/West Park and Ride Service should continue;

·  Sustainable transport and modal shift were permissible but the options should not tie in to specific percentage targets; and

·  Frequent bus services were encouraged with appropriate junction improvements but at no detriment to existing traffic capacity.



RESOLVED:  That this Board recommends to Kent County Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways, Transportation and Waste and to Maidstone Borough Council’s Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee that a combination of DS2 and DS3 form the basis of the Integrated Transport Strategy for Maidstone to underpin the Local Plan. This is with  ...  view the full minutes text for item 89