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Maidstone Borough Local Plan: 5 year housing land supply

Meeting: 08/09/2015 - Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee (Item 104)

104 Maidstone Borough Local Plan: 5 Year Housing Land Supply pdf icon PDF 85 KB


Sarah Anderton, Principal Planning Officer, introduced an update report setting out that, against a need to demonstrate delivery of 5 years housing land supply at 1 April 2015, the Council has 3.3 years.


In response to questions it was explained that:


·  The latest figures demonstrated an improvement on the 2014 figure of 2.1 years.


·  It was common practice to calculate the housing land supply in April, and a further mid-year review would prove resource intensive. 


·  After the next Regulation 18 consultation the position on the five year housing supply figure would be clearer.


The Committee requested that officers keep a watching brief on the housing land supply and report back at the earliest opportunity once the five year supply is achieved.


RESOLVED: That the Council’s 3.3 years’ supply of housing land as of 1 April 2015 be noted.


For – 9  Against – 0    Abstain – 0