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Application to vary a premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003.

Meeting: 16/11/2015 - Licensing Act 2003 Sub Committee (Item 18)

18 Report of the Head of Housing and Community Services - Application to vary a premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003 for Queen Anne Public House, 11 Queen Anne Road, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1HA pdf icon PDF 107 KB

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The Chairman requested all those persons participating in the hearing to identify themselves as follows:


·  Councillor Joy – Chairman of the sub-committee

·  Councillor Blackmore – sub-committee member

·  Councillor Springett – sub-committee member

·  Robin Harris – legal advisor

·  Poppy Collier – committee clerk

·  Catherine Button – representing the applicant

·  Valerie Gooding - Signatory to a petition regarding the application for variance of licence from residents of Friars Court, Queen Anne Road.

·  Mary Wheeler – Signatory to a petition regarding the application for variance of licence from residents of Friars Court, Queen Anne Road.

·  L Ceesay – Signatory to a petition regarding the application for variance of licence from residents of Friars Court, Queen Anne Road.


The sub-committee Members confirmed that they had pre-read all the papers, and the applicant and objectors stated that no draft conditions had been agreed for the sub-committee to consider.


Catherine Button of Admiral Taverns, representing the applicant, provided opening remarks on the application. Miss Button advised that the closure of offices around the pub had impacted on trade, as had a change in drinking habits. The application for later hours at the weekend would allow special events to be held on a monthly basis. Due to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) nature of the establishment, events tended to be flamboyant and cost more to put on, and so the variance in opening hours would maximise takings from an event. Longer opening hours during the week would allow for competitions and other events to be held. The purpose of the application for variance of opening hours was to negate the need to apply for Temporary Event Notices (TEN) each time an event was organised. No objections had been received from the Police, Environmental Health or licensing authorities, and no correspondence had been received from nearby residential properties.


The other interested parties present were invited to ask questions of Miss Button.


In response to questions Miss Button advised that:


·  The Night Net scheme had not been used since the Queen Anne took up membership and so was not required.

·  There were signs asking for customers to be quiet whilst leaving and that staff assisted in dispersing customers after the premises had closed.

·  There was no information held on what form of transport customers used to vacate the area. It was confirmed that there was a car park situated nearby but if customers were drinking they should not be driving.

·  With regard to whether the applicant was aware that a nearby car park was being developed into residential accommodation, Miss Spooner replied that the applicant aware of it, but it was difficult to assess what effect it would have at this early stage.


There were no further questions from other interested parties, and questioning was opened up to the sub-committee Members.


It response to questions from Members, Miss Button confirmed that:


·  The Queen Anne was not the only LGBT identified premises in Maidstone, but it had the longest history of those in Maidstone.

·  Events would be planned to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18