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Budget Monitoring 2nd Quarter 2015/16

Meeting: 25/11/2015 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 113)

113 Report of the Head of Finance and Resources - Budget Monitoring 2nd Quarter 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 209 KB

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1)  That the Authority’s Revenue position at the end of September 2015 i.e. end of Quarter 2 for 2015/16 be noted;

2)  That the slippage position and re-profiling of the Capital Programme for 2015/16 be agreed; and

3)  That the details on the updated progress on the Collection Fund, General Fund Balances and Treasury Management activity be agreed.


The Committee considered the report of the Head of Finance and Resources which provided an updated progress of the capital and revenue expenditure as at the end of September 2015, Quarter 2 of 2015/16.

In response to questions from Members, it was noted that:-

·  Resources had been put into the capital fund (2015/16) for flood defences but as there had been no call on the expenditure, it had been slipped into the 2016/17 capital programme.

·  The relevant staff had been made aware that the Pet Crematorium commercial project would be looked at as part of the future development of the Crematorium.

·  The issue of demand on temporary accommodation would be reported to Communities, Housing and Environment Committee in January 2016.

·  Members will receive a briefing note on the General Fund and earmarked Reserves position.


1)  That the Authority’s Revenue position at the end of September 2015 i.e. end of Quarter 2 for 2015/16 be noted;

2)  That the slippage position and re-profiling of the Capital Programme for 2015/16 be agreed; and

3)  That the details on the updated progress on the Collection Fund, General Fund Balances and Treasury Management activity be agreed.

Voting:  For:  13  Against:  0  Abstentions:  0