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Integrated Transport Strategy

Meeting: 14/12/2015 - Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee (Item 174)

174 Report of the Head of Planning and Development - Integrated Transport Strategy pdf icon PDF 84 KB

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Issue for Decision


To consider the draft Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS) which has been partly amended in the light of Members comments at their meeting on 1 December 2015, and further identifies priority transport actions that will inform the policies of the emerging Maidstone Borough Local Plan and which promote sustainable transport policies and interventions in support of the development proposed in the Local Plan.  The draft ITS will be reported to the Committee again at their meeting on 13 January 2016.


Decision Made


1.  That the following resolution of the Maidstone Joint Transportation Board, made at its meeting on 7 December 2015, be agreed:


‘We agree in the absence of an agreed transport strategy and in light of the evidence presented to this Board demonstrating Maidstone’s significant highway capacity constraints, this Board recommends that a transport strategy be taken forward urgently by the Borough and County Councils covering the period of the Local Plan, with a further review completed in 2022.

The aim of this strategy will be to mitigate the transport impact of future growth, in the first instance up to 2022. The strategy should comprise of the key highway schemes and public transport improvements agreed by the Board, and further traffic modelling will be required to identify its impact. It is proposed that the £8.9 million growth fund monies identified for transport be used to accelerate the delivery of these improvements. Existing developer contributions may then be used to support further measures.


The agreed transport strategy should also develop the justification for a relief road between the A20 to the A274 (the Leeds and Langley Relief Road), along with a preferred route, in order to allow testing with other strategic transport options and identify all sources of potential funding to enable the schemes to be implemented at the earliest opportunity.’


2.  That the highway improvements set out on pages 320 to 322 of the Draft Integrated Transport Strategy, attached as Appendix One to the committee papers, be progressed, deleting:


a)  The words ”Widening of the inbound carriage way of the A274 Sutton Road between the junctions of Wallis Avenue and Loose Road” from the column headed “Intervention” in the section referring to the “A274 Corridor” on page 321 of the report (page 46 of the Draft Integrated Transport Strategy);


b)  The words “Close exit to Cranbourne Avenue and potential widening to two lanes of northbound approach on A229 Loose Road” from the column headed “Intervention” in the section referring to “A229/A274 Wheatsheaf Junction” on page 321 of the report (page 46 of the Draft Integrated Transport Strategy) and replacing with appropriate words which give clarity to the work at the Wheatsheaf junction which identify capacity improvements in the area, on the understanding that consideration of Cranbourne Avenue will be included as part of those capacity improvements.


3.  That the provision of the North-west Maidstone Bus-loop be progressed.


4.  That the improvement of a frequent bus service from Maidstone Town Centre via M20 Junction 7 and  ...  view the full decision text for item 174


Before this item was considered, the Chairman asked the legal representative to refresh Members on how to approach the decision making process at committee meetings.


The Head of Planning and Development introduced the report and referred to the urgent update for this item and briefed the Committee on the revised recommendations.


The recommendation of the Maidstone Joint Transportation Board from their meeting on 7 December 2015 was highlighted as a significant move forward. It meant the acceleration of vital junction improvements to enable the borough to cope with congestion using LEP funding, and possible growth fund money made available in the Chancellor’s budget speech in November 2015.


The Committee was also asked to consider the deletion of the reference to widening of the A274 as part of the highway improvements on page 46 in the draft Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS).


The Committee was informed that the primary purpose of the ITS was to support the Local Plan allocations and set out broad parameters. It would not be examined but would overlap with the Local Plan allocations.  Each junction improvement in the ITS, including rural junctions, had been through a detailed modelling process to come up with detailed mitigation subject to Section 106 agreements.  It was noted that this was work in progress and needed refinement.


The Committee was also informed of the future of the Local Plan.  Should it be adopted in 2017 the Council would proceed with the development of the new plan straight away.  The first part of its development would be monitoring the adopted Local Plan via transport assessments and planning applications.


Councillors Clark, Mrs Blackmore and Thick addressed the Committee as visiting members.


During discussions the Committee considered the following issues:


·  Cranbourne Avenue – concerns had been raised regarding the impact on other areas of Shepway should this road be closed to help ease congestion at the Wheatsheaf A229/A274 junction.  It was discussed that work should be carried out to establish and evidence the accumulative effect closing this road would have on the surrounding area before making a decision to close it.


·  Leeds/Langley relief road – work was needed to look at potential routes, testing and costing to establish whether to go ahead with the project or not.


·  Officers noted a request to investigate the possibility of rail services from Maidstone to Charing Cross and London Bridge.


·  The Committee requested a report come to this Committee outlining the possible options for 20 MPH speed limits.




1.  That the following resolution of the Maidstone Joint Transportation Board, made at its meeting on 7 December 2015, be agreed:


‘We agree in the absence of an agreed transport strategy and in light of the evidence presented to this Board demonstrating Maidstone’s significant highway capacity constraints, this Board recommends that a transport strategy be taken forward urgently by the Borough and County Councils covering the period of the Local Plan, with a further review completed in 2022.

The aim of this strategy will be to mitigate the transport impact  ...  view the full minutes text for item 174