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Outside Body Review - Part One

Meeting: 28/01/2016 - Democracy Committee (Item 32)

32 Report of the Head of Finance and Resources - Outside Body Review - Part One pdf icon PDF 85 KB

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The Committee considered the report on the Review of Outside Bodies and the Urgent Update regarding Hermitage Quarry Liaison Group.


Councillors Mrs Gooch and Mrs Joy addressed the Committee as visiting Members.


The Committee agreed to the removal of the Hermitage Quarry Liaison Group from the list of Outside Bodies as the issues relating to the quarry were unique to Barming.  Barming Parish Council were active with the group and the Ward Member also attended meetings.  The Committee agreed there was no further need for Borough Councillors to be involved.


The Committee was informed that the review to date had focussed on the request made by the Committee at the meeting on 3 November 2015 to establish how useful Outside Bodies found Borough Councillor involvement.


The Committee agreed it needed further information on the status of each Outside Body in terms of Maidstone Borough Council’s (MBC) support being either:


·  By law or statute – where to withdraw support would require following a lengthy legal process;

·  Through policy decisions, or;

·  Voluntary – where neither of the two points above applied


The Committee also considered the possibility of transferring support to parish councils where it could be considered more appropriate.




1.  That Hermitage Quarry Liaison Group be removed from the list of Outside Bodies supported by the Council.


2.  That the Committee’s review of Outside Bodies be continued to establish which Outside Bodies link with the Council’s priorities and Service Committees of the Council and consider withdrawing Member involvement where links are tentative or unproductive for both parties.  The review to also consider the creation of formal communication processes between the Council, Member representatives of Outside Bodies and the outside Body.


3.  That further information on the status of each Outside Body in terms of Maidstone Borough Council’s (MBC) support be provided in the report in terms which ones are supported:


o  By law or statute – where to withdraw support would require following a lengthy legal process

o  Through policy decisions

o  Voluntary – where neither of the two points above apply


4.  That Outside Bodies who have, to date, not responded to the request for information be chased and the results reported back to the Committee at the meeting on 17 March 2016.


Voting:  For – 9