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Integrated Transport Strategy and Walking & Cycling Strategy

Meeting: 13/09/2016 - Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee (Item 71)

71 Report of the Head of Planning and Development - Integrated Transport Strategy and Walking & Cycling Strategy pdf icon PDF 79 KB

Additional documents:


1.  That the recommendations of the Maidstone Joint Transport Board of 13 July 2016 relating to the Maidstone Integrated Transport Strategy be approved.


2.  That the Integrated Transport Strategy attached to the Second Amended Agenda, dated 9 September 2016, be adopted.


3.  That the Walking and Cycling Strategy attached to the Second Amended Agenda, dated 9 September 2016, be adopted.



The Head of Planning and Development presented the report and the amended Appendices on the Amended Agenda dated 7 September 2016.


The Committee heard the amended appendices contained the revisions decided by the Committee at their meeting on 6 July 2016 and the recommendations from the Maidstone Joint Transport Board at their meeting on 13 July 2016.


The amended Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS) and the Walking and Cycling Strategy (W&CS) were offered to the JTB at their meeting on 13 July 2016.  However, the JTB did not take the documents, but did receive a joint report by Kent County Council’s (KCC) Head of Transportation and the Council’s Head of Planning and Development.


The Committee heard that KCC would not agree the documents as joint documents for reasons outlined in letters from KCC.  KCC Highways broadly agreed with the contents of the documents up to 2022.  After this date transport issues became more severe, particularly in South East Maidstone, where additional mitigation in the ITS and W&CS came in to play.


The Committee were asked to approve the ITS and W&CS with the amendments from the meeting on 6 July 2016 and the recommendation of the JTB from 13 July 2016, to form part of the evidence for the Local Plan Examination.


Councillor Willis addressed the Committee and asked for clarification and asked for his disappointment with KCC to be recorded.




1.  That the recommendations of the Maidstone Joint Transport Board of 13 July 2016 relating to the Maidstone Integrated Transport Strategy be approved.


2.  That the Integrated Transport Strategy attached to the Second Amended Agenda, dated 9 September 2016, be adopted.


3.  That the Walking and Cycling Strategy attached to the Second Amended Agenda, dated 9 September 2016, be adopted.


Voting:  For – 7  Against – 0  Abstentions – 2