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The Housing and Planning Act 2016

Meeting: 13/09/2016 - Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee (Item 72)

72 Report of the Head of Planning and Development - The Housing and Planning Act 2016 pdf icon PDF 77 KB


1.  That the Assent of the Housing and Planning Act 2016, its provisions and the need for regulations and secondary legislation before it fully comes into effect be noted.


2.  That a workshop for Councillors be held when the details of the secondary legislation are available.



The Planning Policy Manager presented the report and explained the Housing and Planning Act 2016 had received Royal Assention on 12 May 2016.


The Committee’s attention was drawn to the introduction of starter homes in 2017 which will make up the first 20% of the 35% of meeting Affordable Housing.


The Committee discussed their concerns and the implications of the Act but welcomed a workshop when the details of secondary legislation were available.




1.  That the Assent of the Housing and Planning Act 2016, its provisions and the need for regulations and secondary legislation before it fully came into effect be noted.


2.  That a workshop for Councillors be held when the details of the secondary legislation were available.